Settling the Stuffing vs. Dressing Debate (2024)

The terms stuffing and dressing are often used interchangeably for a reason, and that’s because they’re virtually the same dish with a few key differences. It comes down to how they are cooked. The end result may look the same, but stuffing takes a different journey to get there than dressing.

Settling the Stuffing vs. Dressing Debate (1)

Table of Contents

  • What is stuffing?
  • Is it safe to eat stuffing once it’s removed from turkey?
  • What is dressing?
  • Should you add egg to stuffing or dressing?
  • Do different regions call it stuffing vs dressing?
  • Storing leftovers

The fall season sparks a spirited debate, and I’m not talking about pumpkin spiced lattes. This one’s about the Thanksgiving table. Come Fall, there may be a lot of talk about roasted turkey and how to best cook one, but the debate over stuffing vs. dressing can cause quite the divide among those who are passionate about their Thanksgiving side dishes.

The debate is fueled partially by region. The Northeast and Northwest often stand firmly in the stuffing camp, while the Midwest and the southern states are dressing advocates.

Settling the Stuffing vs. Dressing Debate (2)

It’s not just a matter of linguistics. Both dishes exist, and the difference lies in how each is cooked. As for which tastes better, well, that’s one argument you’ll have to settle with a good ol’ fashioned cookout of your own. But for now, here’s how you win the debate over what’s what – once and for all.

What is stuffing?

Settling the Stuffing vs. Dressing Debate (3)

Stuffing is a combination of dry and crusty bread (hey, starch) and vegetables, which vary depending on the specific recipe. Herbs are often part of the equation, as are onions. The most common types of bread are white bread and cornbread. The ingredients are combined and stuffed inside the turkey to help flavor the cavity of the bird and benefit from its juices. The final result may be served in a casserole dish, but it’s cooked inside of turkey first.

You may also add a cup or so of stock to your stuffing mixture before adding it to your bird, but keep in mind that the turkey juices will run into the stuffing when cooking inside of the bird. So don’t add too much extra liquid, or your stuffing may turn out soggy.

Is it safe to eat stuffing once it’s removed from turkey?

Yes. As long as you follow food safety guidelines. Before cooking the turkey, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) recommends stuffing your turkey right before cooking it – no earlier.

Once cooked, after pulling your turkey from the oven, don’t remove the stuffing right away. Let it sit to allow it to cook a little longer as the turkey rests, and always make sure both the turkey and stuffing reach 165 degrees. If the bird reaches 165 degrees after resting but the stuffing does not then remove it from the turkey cavity and place it in an oven-safe casserole dish. Continue baking in a 350-degree oven until it’s thoroughly cooked.

While this method is safe when cooked properly, it’s important to note that the risk of food-borne illness is higher than if cooked outside the bird. That’s why the latter has become more common in modern times.

What is dressing?

Settling the Stuffing vs. Dressing Debate (4)

Dressing leans on the same ingredients that stuffing does, but it’s cooked outside the turkey in a dedicated baking or casserole dish. Once served, it looks, talks, and walks like stuffing except for the fact that it didn’t soak up any juices from the turkey while cooking inside its cavity.

So, it’s common to add stock when cooking in a separate dish to make up for the moisture and create the desired texture of stuffing.

Should you add egg to stuffing or dressing?

It’s a matter of preference, but adding a beaten egg to your stuffing mixture acts as a binder and keeps the bread moist. Moisture is what holds all the ingredients together, rather than turning it into something resembling croutons and roasted vegetables.

The amount of moisture needed for stuffing or dressing depends on the other ingredients. For example, if you’re using diced apples or pears in your stuffing, it will add moisture and reduce the amount of other liquids needed. Cornbread is also more moister than other types of bread. Add too much extra liquid, and it could get mushy quickly.

Do different regions call it stuffing vs dressing?

Yes! Southern regions are most likely to call it dressing; for some, it’s a core belief. Midwesterners would likely defend their position, while Northeasterners and those in the Pacific Northwest would likely challenge dressing advocates with the term stuffing.

Regardless of what they call it, some people say dressing means stuffing, and some say stuffing means dressing. If you find yourself in a heated debate, remember it’s the cooking method that makes the difference. It’s very possible that someone who stands firmly in the “I call it stuffing” camp actually cooks it like dressing.

Storing leftovers

According to the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics, leftover stuffing or dressing can be stored in the refrigerator for three to four days. Make sure that the dish is completely cool before storing.

Per the CDC, always make sure you reheat leftovers to 165 degrees again. To reheat, put the food in an oven-safe dish and insert it into a 300ºF (149ºC) oven until it reaches 165ºF (74ºC). A microwave is also safe as long as you abide by the 165-degree rule.

Recipes to Try

Bread Sides

Herb Sausage Stuffing

1 hr 30 mins

Side Dishes

Sausage Pear Stuffing

1 hr 30 mins

Bread Sides

Classic Stuffing

1 hr 10 mins

Side Dishes

Cornbread Dressing

2 hrs 30 mins

Settling the Stuffing vs. Dressing Debate (2024)


What is better, stuffing or dressing? ›

As with many food traditions in the U.S., regional loyalties to stuffing vs dressing abound. Many Southerners are die-hard dressing fans, while Northerners tend to prefer stuffings, but these are not hard and fast rules. Nor is the language used to describe either dish.

Which came first, stuffing or dressing? ›

The term "dressing" didn't appear until the 1850s, when Victorian nobles took offense at the vulgar word "stuffing." So, it's easy to see why many dressing and stuffing recipes consist of the same ingredients.

Do people in the South call it dressing or stuffing? ›

But for the Thanksgiving side dish in the South, the term dressing was adopted in place of stuffing, which was viewed as a crude term, during the Victorian era.

What is the difference between stuffing and dressing black folks? ›

So stuffing is cooked inside the bird. Dressing is cooked outside the bird, usually in a casserole dish. Additionally, dressing, especially in the American South, is often made with cornbread instead of pieces of a baguette or plain ol' white bread.

Why is stuffing the best? ›

It's wildly flavorful and buttery and filled with herbs and most importantly, a delicious neutral flavor that truly goes with any meal. Stuffing is by FAR my favorite side dish. In fact, Thanksgiving is alllll about the side dishes for me.

Is stuffing good or bad for you? ›

It probably comes as no surprise that stuffing isn't the healthiest addition to your Christmas or Thanksgiving plate, but that's no reason to omit it. Typically high in fat, carbs and salt, stuffing can be made fresh or purchased chilled, frozen or dehydrated.

Why is it called dressing and not stuffing? ›

The term dressing, per the History Channel, originated around the 1850s, when the Victorians deemed stuffing too crude for the dish to be named. This happened around the same time that the term “dark meat” began to refer to chicken legs and thighs.

What is the point of stuffing? ›

Many foods may be stuffed, including poultry, seafood, and vegetables. As a cooking technique stuffing helps retain moisture, while the mixture itself serves to augment and absorb flavors during its preparation.

Who invented stuffing or dressing? ›

The Origins of Stuffing

Well, experts aren't exactly sure, but the first official mention of it can be found in a Roman cookbook called “Apicius de re Coquinaria,” which dates back to the first century AD.

Do Texans say stuffing or dressing? ›

Dressing is more commonly used to refer to the dish in the South, while stuffing is the more frequently used term in the North, Southern Living reported.

What do Northerners call stuffing? ›

Those in the south use the term dressing interchangeably; whereas those in the northern states generally refer to the dish as stuffing.

Is dressing a northern thing? ›

If you're from the North, it's called stuffing. But to you Southerners, it's dressing.

What are the points of comparison used to compare dressing and stuffing? ›

The points of comparison used to compare dressing and stuffing include: preparation, taste, amount, and safety. When comparing preparation, dressing and stuffing are made differently. Dressing is cooked in a separate dish and does not contain any meat, while stuffing is cooked inside the turkey.

Is stuffing and dressing the same thing on Reddit? ›

Dressing has meat/seafood whereas stuffing is only bread based and is always put inside the bird prior to roasting?

What is the difference between stuffing and dressing in Canada? ›

As the name suggests, stuffing is "stuffed" into the cavity of the fowl and roasted inside of it, while dressing is baked separately in a casserole dish and used to "dress" slices of the turkey.

What is the most popular Thanksgiving side dish? ›

mashed potatoes! Rising from second place in 2022, mashed potatoes take the crown for America's favorite Thanksgiving side dish. Creamy, rich, and comforting, they're the perfect accompaniment to turkey and gravy, so it makes sense that mashed potatoes came out on top.

What kind of dressing is best? ›

8 Simple and Healthy Salad Dressings
  1. Sesame ginger. This simple salad dressing doubles as an easy marinade for meat, poultry, or roasted veggies. ...
  2. Balsamic vinaigrette. ...
  3. Avocado lime. ...
  4. Lemon vinaigrette. ...
  5. Honey mustard. ...
  6. Greek yogurt ranch. ...
  7. Apple cider vinaigrette. ...
  8. Ginger turmeric.
Jul 27, 2023

Is stuffing bad for weight loss? ›

Stuffing is not strictly a healthy food, because it is typically high in calories, fat, sodium, and refined carbohydrates. 1 But that doesn't mean you can't enjoy it, All foods can fit into a healthy diet in moderation.

What is the best kind of stuffing? ›

Our Top Store-Bought Stuffing Picks
  • Best Overall: Arnold Herb Seasoned Premium Cubed Stuffing.
  • Best Classic: Pepperidge Farm Herb Seasoned Classic Stuffing.
  • Best Instant: Stove Top Turkey Stuffing Mix.
  • Best Gluten-Free: Williams-Sonoma Gluten-Free Stuffing Mix.
  • Best for Celiac: Trader Joe's Gluten Free Stuffing Mix.
Nov 13, 2023

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