Does Coffee Cause Inflammation? Here's What a Dietitian Has to Say (2024)

Over the years as I've talked to people about their diet, many tend to treat coffee like chocolate or wine: a guilty pleasure. They know coffee isn't essential, yet they have little desire to give it up. But is this guilt really necessary?

One of the reasons why someone might feel guilty for drinking coffee is that they've heard that drinking coffee causes inflammation, or that the brew can exacerbate symptoms of inflammatory conditions, such as joint pain and gastrointestinal issues. But is this true? Let's take a look at what the science suggests.

The Link Between Coffee and Inflammation

Fellow coffee drinkers, I have great news! Research suggests that coffee does not cause inflammation in most people—even if your norm is more than one or two caffeinated cups a day. In fact, it's quite the opposite. According to a 2021 study in Nutrients, coffee may have anti-inflammatory effects on the body. These effects are thought to be a primary reason why research has linked regular coffee consumption with lower risks for many inflammatory-related conditions, including Alzheimer's, Parkinson's, type 2 diabetes, gout, heart disease and some cancers, according to a 2019 review in Critical Reviews in Food Science and Nutrition, as well as in a 2023 review in Molecules.

According to a 2023 review in Food Science & Nutrition, coffee's anti-inflammatory benefits stem from the plethora of bioactive compounds it contains. The brew is a particularly good source of compounds called polyphenols, which have antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties. Polyphenols in coffee, like chlorogenic acid, diterpenes and trigonelline, appear to stop free radicals from causing damage that can then generate inflammation; some also appear to block the production of inflammatory compounds by inhibiting gene expression and enzymes associated with their development.

The result is, as studies suggest, that regular coffee consumption may lower one or more inflammatory blood markers. That said, a few large studies have found that coffee is associated with lower levels of the inflammatory marker CRP—so as coffee consumption increases, CRP levels decrease—but a review and meta-analysis published in 2020 in Nutrients found that, overall, coffee did not have a measurable impact on CRP. The authors say that because of this conflicting evidence, more research is needed. Perhaps other factors, such as smoking and BMI, may affect these results.

What About Sugar, Cream and Decaf?

Many people enjoy their coffee with sugar or artificial sweeteners, which are both associated with inflammation. When looking at coffee's anti-inflammatory potential, most, if not all, studies have examined the effect of caffeinated black coffee with no additions like sugar, sweeteners or cream. Ingredients added to foods like these that contain added sugars, chemicals and saturated fat are inflammatory when consumed in excess.

However, earlier research, like a 2015 study in the American Journal of Epidemiology suggests that coffee still provides health benefits even when it contains cream and sugar. In terms of inflammation, there's likely little impact when minimal amounts are added in one to two cups a day, but several cups with larger amounts could potentially cancel out coffee's anti-inflammatory benefits.

For decaf fans, there is evidence to suggest it offers comparable benefits to regular coffee, according to a 2017 review in BMJ. Findings in a few studies indicated that decreases in inflammatory markers may be slightly less when decaffeinated is consumed in comparison to caffeinated. However, the overall consensus is that caffeine isn't the major contributor to the anti-inflammatory benefits observed with coffee consumption. Rather, it's other polyphenols in coffee that are responsible, and these are found in both caffeinated and decaffeinated coffee.

How Much Caffeine Is Safe?

Caffeine's stimulant effect is why many of us reach for coffee, but as many have experienced, too much caffeine can cause jitters and a racing heart. This raises the question of whether too much caffeine from coffee could at some point turn inflammatory.

Research is limited, but a range of coffee intakes were included in the studies we've mentioned in which coffee was associated with decreases in inflammatory markers. Subjects with higher caffeinated coffee intakes (ranging from 3 to 7 cups) appeared to reap very similar benefits compared to those who consumed less. This does not mean, however, that you should consume that much caffeinated coffee.

According to the Food and Drug Administration (FDA), 400 milligrams of caffeine per day is generally safe. This is an amount found in 4 or 5 cups of coffee. It's important to note that this refers to 8-ounce cups—many mugs and takeout cups are larger. Pay attention to the amounts that feel good to you and scale back if you notice side effects, such as anxiety, rapid heart rate, upset stomach, headaches or mood changes.

It's also important to note that each individual metabolizes caffeine differently, some of which is dictated by our genetic makeup. Excessive caffeine—or even just a little more than your norm—can lead to inflammation in other ways. For example, one of the most common side effects of caffeine is disrupted sleep. And a lack of good-quality sleep is associated with generating inflammation and increases in CRP and other inflammatory markers.

The Bottom Line

Coffee is a primary source of polyphenols in our diet, and these antioxidant compounds exert beneficial anti-inflammatory effects in most people. You can definitely drop any guilt you had over your morning joe, but do keep tabs on your overall intake to fully reap coffee's benefits. If you enjoy several cups throughout the day, consider switching to decaf after 1 to 2 cups of caffeinated, and limit all caffeine intake after lunch to prevent sleep disruption. It's also a good idea to go easy on what you add to your coffee. A little cream and sugar won't hurt, but it's probably best to avoid coffee drinks loaded with added sugars.

Does Coffee Cause Inflammation? Here's What a Dietitian Has to Say (2024)


Does Coffee Cause Inflammation? Here's What a Dietitian Has to Say? ›

Coffee actually seems to reduce inflammation and not cause it,” says Lakatos. “Coffee's unique mixture of compounds and antioxidants, like chlorogenic acid, caffeine, cafestol, kahweol, and trigonelline appear to play a part in reducing inflammation."

Does coffee create inflammation in the body? ›

Coffee in moderate amounts is considered healthy and can be incorporated into an anti-inflammatory diet. Around three to four cups of coffee per day (32-40 ounces) is considered a moderate amount. Anything higher than this amount can produce a pro-inflammatory effect and elevate stress levels.

Is coffee good for anti-inflammatory diet? ›

Like tea, coffee contains antioxidants and caffeine. Studies suggest people who drink it are less likely to have ongoing inflammation. Chemicals in coffee may also protect against other conditions like Alzheimer's disease, type 2 diabetes, and heart disease.

Can coffee cause joint inflammation? ›

Another pain-related condition that can be adversely affected by caffeine consumption is osteoarthritis. Caffeine can often increase the inflammation that is present in joints affected by arthritis. The more inflammation present in these joints, the more someone experiencing the condition will feel related pain.

What can I drink to reduce inflammation? ›

Black, white, and green teas are rich in antioxidants and polyphenols which can help combat inflammation. Some herbal teas also have anti-inflammatory benefits. Many herbs and spices also contain compounds that can help combat inflammation.

Can coffee cause gut inflammation? ›

Green coffee has a higher concentration of alpha-dicarbonyls, which are highly prone to glycation (the binding of sugars to proteins or lipids). However, both green and dark roasted coffee have advanced glycation end products (AGEs), which can induce inflammation and may exacerbate leaky gut [20].

Who should avoid coffee? ›

Diabetes: Caffeine might affect the way the body uses sugar. If you have diabetes, use caffeine with caution. Diarrhea: Caffeine, especially when taken in large amounts, might worsen diarrhea. Epilepsy: People with epilepsy should avoid using caffeine in high doses.

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In particular, experts recommend avoiding these inflammatory foods: Red meat, such as steak and hamburgers. Processed meat, such as bologna, bacon, sausage and lunchmeat. Commercial baked goods such as snack cakes, pies, cookies and brownies.

Is there a coffee that doesn't cause inflammation? ›

According to studies, decaf coffee may have similar advantages to normal coffee. Results from a few studies suggest that drinking decaffeinated coffee as opposed to caffeinated coffee may result in a small reduction in inflammatory markers.

Is coffee bad for arthritis flare ups? ›

Coffee. According to the Arthritis Foundation (AF), it's not clear whether coffee is good for people with arthritis or not. On the one hand, it contains antioxidants that may help reduce inflammation. On the other hand, people should be mindful of the caffeine content.

Why does my back hurt after drinking coffee? ›

Coffee is inherently a diuretic, which means it causes the body to pass more urine, more often. This diuretic effect can cause dehydration, which in turn may cause back pain in certain individuals.

Can coffee cause autoimmune disease? ›

While some studies reported conflicting results, general trends have been identified. Coffee consumption seems to increase the risk of developing rheumatoid arthritis (RA) and type 1 diabetes mellitus (T1DM).

What can I drink before bed to reduce inflammation? ›

Green and White Teas

Rich in polyphenols and catechins, these teas come with properties that not only reduce inflammation but can also regulate your immune system, which can be helpful in protecting the body against the cold during the winter.

How to reduce inflammation in the body fast? ›

Many foods fight inflammation in your body. These include fatty fish (like salmon), fresh fruits and leafy greens, just to name a few. You may also use spices with anti-inflammatory properties, like turmeric, ginger or garlic. Following an anti-inflammatory diet can help reduce and prevent inflammation in your body.

Is drinking coffee every day bad for you? ›

Up to 400 milligrams (mg) of caffeine a day appears to be safe for most healthy adults. That's roughly the amount of caffeine in four cups of brewed coffee, 10 cans of cola or two "energy shot" drinks. Keep in mind that the actual caffeine content in beverages varies widely, especially among energy drinks.

What are the side effects of taking coffee every day? ›

Coffee containing caffeine can cause insomnia, nervousness and restlessness, stomach upset, nausea and vomiting, increased heart and breathing rate, and other side effects. Consuming large amounts of coffee might also cause headache, anxiety, agitation, ringing in the ears, and irregular heartbeats.

What foods should I avoid to reduce inflammation? ›

Foods that can be inflammatory: Highly processed foods, like corn chips, fried foods and too much red meat, sugar, wheat, rye and barley in people with gluten allergies of celiac disease.

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