Dishes That Will Bring You Right Back To The 1970s (2024)


Dishes That Will Bring You Right Back To The 1970s (1)



The savoury French dish of pastry crust filled with meat or vegetables suspended in eggs and milk, which when baked, becomes a solid custard, has been around for ages, but gained popularity in America in the 1970s. Some people credit the 1970s edition of The Joy of Cooking, where a recipe for quiche appeared, for its widespread recognition, while others say it could have been the influence of Julia Child. Either way, the dish appeared on dining tables at breakfast, lunch and dinner, as well as at parties throughout the decade, and continues to be popular now.

Dishes That Will Bring You Right Back To The 1970s (2)

Getty Images


Watergate Salad

We have Kraft to thank for Watergate Salad, a sweet “salad” consisting of canned pineapple, whipped cream, marshmallows and the company’s pistachio pudding that was often served for dessert. While the origin of its name has never been confirmed, some believe that a chef at the Watergate Hotel invented the concoction. Others say its name is due to its popularity during the Watergate scandal. Either way, the sugary dish was a hit at potlucks throughout the 1970s.

Dishes That Will Bring You Right Back To The 1970s (3)

Devon Scoble


Jell-O Salads

While Jell-O was an American staple throughout the 20th century, “salads” suspended in gelatin gained surprising momentum in the 1950s, ‘60s and ‘70s. Some might argue these creations got wilder and even more unappetizing as time went on, with ingredients such as aspic, salmon and cheese included in the molds. Home cooks also got creative with shapes, from doughnuts and loaves, to whole fish. Luckily, as nutrition became more of a priority later on, these sweetened gelatinous salads disappeared.


Dishes That Will Bring You Right Back To The 1970s (4)


Hamburger Helper

The brand Hamburger Helper was introduced on grocery store shelves in 1971 and quickly rose in popularity, thanks to its promise to easily get a “complete meal” onto the dinner table. Each box contained dried pasta with packets of powdered sauce and seasonings, and home cooks were instructed to combine those contents with browned ground beef and water to complete the dish. Variations including Tuna Helper and Chicken Helper eventually followed, but Hamburger Helper has remained the most popular.

Dishes That Will Bring You Right Back To The 1970s (5)



Hosting a fondue dinner party was popular in the 1970s, and fondue pots were the ultimate wedding gift during that decade. The Swiss dish consisting of melted cheese served in a communal pot was enjoyed by dipping chunks of bread into the cheese using long-stemmed forks. While fondue has been eaten in Switzerland since as early as the 1700s, it became big in America after it was promoted by the Swiss Pavilion’s Alpine restaurant at the 1964 World Fair in New York. Following, the pot of cheeses, wine and seasonings heated over a candle was seen almost everywhere, especially during colder months.


Pasta Primavera

In essence, pasta primavera is simply pasta with fresh vegetables. It became popular in the 1970s after it appeared on the menu at Le Cirque, a famous New York restaurant where Sirio Maccioni was head chef. The pasta, typically long and flat tagliatelle noodles, tossed in butter, cream and cheese, and then combined with seasonal fresh vegetables, was a hit and became the talk of Manhattan. It was soon recreated in home kitchens everywhere with the belief that pasta primavera signified light, sophisticated cuisine.


Dishes That Will Bring You Right Back To The 1970s (7)



The dish’s name is derived from a term for little strips of meat, and is associated with Tex-Mex cuisine, which was picking up steam during the 1970’s. Typically, strips of beef or chicken are grilled, then cooked with vegetables including bell peppers and onions. It’s served with soft flour or corn tortillas, and an array of condiments, such as sour cream, salsa, guacamole and shredded cheese. The dish continued to grow in popularity through the 80’s before hitting peak fajita in the 1990s.

Dishes That Will Bring You Right Back To The 1970s (8)


Black Forest Torte

While Black Forest cake had been around in Germany for a while, it suddenly became popular as a homemade dessert in America during the 1970s. Consisting of chocolate cake layered with whipped cream and topped with Maraschino cherries and chocolate shavings, the boozy cake was then doused in Kirsch, a clear liqueur made from sour cherries. While it isn’t as popular today as a homemade dessert, the cake can be found at most grocery store bakeries.

Dishes That Will Bring You Right Back To The 1970s (9)


Cheese Balls and Logs

In tune with the obsession of forming foods into shapes during the 1970s (see Jell-O salad), forming cheeses into balls or longs and rolling them in toppings was hugely popular during that time. Most recipes allowed for a variety of soft cheeses, which were blended together and rolled into a desired shape. Then, the ball or log would be rolled in black pepper, herbs or even nuts, and served with crackers for spreading. Why didn’t people just eat cheese in the shape it was purchased? Because this was apparently more fun.


Dishes That Will Bring You Right Back To The 1970s (10)


Carrot Cake

The 1970s were generally a more health-conscious era, and carrot cake was perceived as being a “healthy” dessert because of the addition of vegetables. Of course, it wasn’t really. Heaps of sugar is baked into the cake, and it’s topped with a cream cheese icing. We know better now, but we still enjoy it all the same.

Dishes That Will Bring You Right Back To The 1970s (11)


Hawaiian Cuisine

As vacation travel to the Hawaiian Islands became more popular in the 1960s and 1970s, the state’s food and culture was embraced on the mainland. The ‘70s saw an excess of pineapple added to just about everything, including chicken. Around the same time, Hawaiian pizza also became popular. Suppose you could say that dinner tables really felt that aloha spirit.

Michelle da Silva is a Toronto-based writer who loves telling stories related to food.

Dishes That Will Bring You Right Back To The 1970s (2024)


What food was invented in 1970? ›

1970: Orville Redenbacher's Gourmet Popping Corn is introduced. Agronomist Redenbacher has found a yellow corn that expands nearly twice as much as other brands. In five years, it will be the country's largest-selling brand. 1970: Hamburger Helper is introduced.

What food was at the 70s pool party? ›

Jell-O, rumaki, avocado pie, fondue, deviled eggs, and tequila sunrises took center stage of the culinary scene in the '60s and '70s. Although some of these items have faded away in popularity, others have endured the test of time and been updated to appeal to current-day tastes.

What was 70s hippie food? ›

The cuisine that the counterculture took to in the late 1960s, and then helped introduce to the mainstream in the 1970s, embraced whole grains and legumes; organic, fresh vegetables; soy foods like tofu and tempeh; nutrition-boosters like wheat germ and sprouted grains; and flavors from Eastern European, Asian, and ...

What to bring back from the 70s? ›

Here are a few trends from the '70s that we need to bring back immediately:
  • Quality TV Shows That Weren't Scared of Making a Statement. ...
  • Salad Bars. ...
  • Pubic Hair. ...
  • Tropical Drinks With Plastic Animals. ...
  • Strong Female Superheroes. ...
  • Fondue. ...
  • Head Scarves. ...
  • Going Out Dancing.
Aug 27, 2015

What food came out in 1974? ›

Throwback Thursday: 5 Fun Food Ads From 1974
  • Kraft Singles. Is there anything more classically American than a grilled cheese sandwich? ...
  • Ragu Spaghetti Sauce. There are some timeless staples, and spaghetti sauce is no exception. ...
  • Kraft Squeez-A-Snak Cheese. ...
  • Kraft Real Mayonnaise. ...
  • Kraft Grated Parmesan Cheese.
Feb 20, 2014

What food was popular in 1975? ›

1975: Pasta Primavera

People were really into creamy pasta in the '70s, when fettucine alfredo and spaghetti carbonara supplanted red sauce dishes that were no longer cool.

What is 70s buffet food? ›

For a buffet you'd need devilled eggs, cheese and silver skin onion / pineapple hedgehog, twiglets, Black Forest gateaux for pud, mushroom and/or prawn vol-au-vents and if you're posh you need a poached salmon deforested with cucumber 'scales'.

How do you throw a 70s dinner party? ›

Serve snacks with '70s style
  1. Barbecue meatballs.
  2. Pigs-in-a-blanket.
  3. Cheese fondue.
  4. Ambrosia fruit salad.
  5. A cheeseball and crackers.
  6. Deviled eggs.
  7. Pineapple skewers.
  8. Cucumber sandwiches.
Mar 10, 2024

What was a typical breakfast in the 1970s? ›

1970s: Chicken livers and Egg McMuffins

Coupled with the decade's passion for fondue, booze, muumuus, and all things funky and foreign, this resulted in some interesting food trends.

What do you wear to a 70s dinner party? ›

10 Groovy 70s Theme Party Outfit Ideas
  • Grab a Pair of Bell-Bottom Pants. ...
  • Do Your Hair Like a 70s Queen. ...
  • Play up the Color. ...
  • Harness the Power of Flowers. ...
  • Slip on Some Go-Go Boots. ...
  • Try a Leisure Suit a la John Travolta. ...
  • Don a Glam Disco Costume. ...
  • Accessorize with Peace Signs and Colorful Glasses.
Nov 21, 2023

What was the best food in the 1970s? ›

You Know You're From the '70s When You Crave . . .
  • 1/11. Quiche. ...
  • Getty Images. 2/11. ...
  • Devon Scoble. 3/11. ...
  • 4/11. Hamburger Helper. ...
  • 5/11. Fondue. ...
  • 6/11. Pasta Primavera. ...
  • 7/11. Fajitas. ...
  • 8/11. Black Forest Torte.
Feb 10, 2022

How do you make a 70s party? ›

How to Host a 70s Theme Party: 48 Groovy Ideas
  1. Step One: Put Together a Funky 70s Playlist.
  2. Step Two: Dress to Impress, 70s Style.
  3. Step Three: Give Your Venue a 70s Makeover.
  4. Step Four: Serve Up Some Retro Delights.
  5. Book live bands or DJs for your 70s party with Function Central.
Jul 25, 2023

How did Americans eat in the 1970s? ›

1970s. The 1970s marked the start of a reduction in our intake of vegetables. The average person ate a pound of red meat each week, compared to just over half of that today. Fruit juice arrived in the shops but only one in ten people consumed it regularly.

What was the most popular food in 1977? ›

1977: Pasta Primavera

Pasta Primavera was the talk of the town in Manhattan in the '70s, when Le Cirque chef Sirio Maccioni introduced this cream-based pasta dish, accented with an explosion of green veggies.

What was the most popular food in 1972? ›

What Food People Were Obsessed With the Year You Were Born
  • 1971: Eggs Benedict. Getty. ...
  • 1972: Tequila Sunrise. Getty. ...
  • 1973: Fondue. Getty. ...
  • 1974: Granola. Getty. ...
  • 1975: Pasta Primavera. Getty. ...
  • 1976: General Tso's Chicken. Getty. ...
  • 1977: Buffalo Wings. Getty. ...
  • 1978: Croissants. Getty.
Jul 5, 2016

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Name: Laurine Ryan

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