Register a Pick-up Truck as a 'Passenger' Class Vehicle (2025)


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Register a Pick-up Truck as a 'Passenger' Class Vehicle

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Your pick-up truck can qualify for passenger class plates if it meets certain conditions, depending on its unladen weight.

  • If you have a modified or unmodified pick-up truck with an unladen weightof less than 6,001 lbs., then you may register it in the passenger class if it meets the following conditions:
    • the pick-up truck does not have any business advertisements, and
    • the pick-up is used exclusively for non-commercial purposes
  • If you have a modified pick-up truck with an unladen weightgreater than 6,000 lbs., then you may register it in the passenger class if it meets the following conditions:
    • the pick-up truck does not have any business advertisements and is used exclusively for non-commercial purposes
    • a camper top having one or more side windows completely encloses the truck bed,
    • the pick-up truck has seats, seat fittings, or camping equipment installed in the truck bed('camping equipment' indicates that you have a bed, a stove, or a refrigerator in the vehicle)

NOTE:These modifications must be permanent. If you use the pick-up truck without the required modifications, then you must register it in the commercial registration class.

SeeInformation For Pick-Up Truck Owners (PDF)(MV-114) to get more information.

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Passenger class plates on a pick-up truck do not change the registration fees. Commercial registration fees still apply. The DMV requests the unladen weight to verify that your pick-up truck is eligible for passenger class plates. Before you apply, make sure that the unladen weight of the truck is 6,000 lbs. or less. The unladen weight of your pick-up truck is stamped on a metal plate located on the door of your vehicle. The unladen weight is also listed on your title certificate.

The unladen weight is different from themaximum gross weight(MGW) listed on your registration documents. The DMV does not change the unladen weight or the MGW.

Passenger class plates on a pick-up truck do not change the MGW listed on the registration documents or the unladen weight listed on the title certificate.

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Apply for Passenger Class Plates

You must apply in person at aDMV office.Before visiting a DMV office to register your pick-up truck as a "passenger" class vehicle, please use the DMV Registration Guide to make sure you bring the correct documents with you.

You must surrender your commercial plates (be sure to remove frames and fasteners). The DMV office will issue new registration documents and standard passenger plates with a new number.If you hadcustom platesorpersonalized plates, your new registration documents will list the numbers from your plates. The DMV will send you new passenger custom or personalized plates by mail.

See location, instructions and reservation information for your DMV

If your registration will expire in less than 60 days, you can renew your registration at a DMV office and change to passenger class plates when you renew.

You can also get passenger plates with no additional fee when you register a pick-up truck for the first time.

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Rented or Leased Vehicles

You must submit a certification (form) provided by the leasing company or owner of the pick-up truck which states that the truck will not be used for commercial purposes.

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Driving Passenger Class Trucks on Parkways

The agency that controls a parkway decides if pick-up trucks with passenger class plates are allowed on the parkway. To make sure you can drive your pick-up truck on a parkway, contact the agency that manages the parkway. Some parking regulations and traffic regulations in New York City depend on the type of vehicle plates on your vehicle. Passenger class plates on your pick-up truck can change howNew York City regulations affect you. Contact New York City about their regulations.

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Related Documents

  • MV-114: Information for Pick-up Truck Owners (PDF)


    Information sheet on obtaining passenger plates for pick-up trucks in order to use restricted highways such as parkways.


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Related Information

Commercial Vehicle Registration Fees, Vehicle Use Taxes and Supplemental Fees Vehicle Modifications and Registration Class DMV Document Guide

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Register a Pick-up Truck as a 'Passenger' Class Vehicle (2025)
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Name: Mrs. Angelic Larkin

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