PoE Incursion Changes & Guide 3.14 (2024)

PoE Incursion Guide

Incursion! Now that's an exciting mechanic in Path of Exile. It takes you back in time to influence the construction of the ancient Vaal Temple of Atzoatl, offering valuable rewards and strategic challenges. Here's a breakdown:

The Basics:

  • You encounter Alva Valai, an explorer searching for the temple's location.
  • She opens time portals to incursion rooms within the temple's construction phase.
  • Inside, you fight Vaal Architects guiding the construction.
  • Your choices impact the final layout of the temple, affecting loot and exploration potential.

Key Elements:

  • Temporal Incursions: These self-contained zones offer mini-challenges with time limits.
  • Vaal Architects: Two Architects are present, each representing a different room type.
  • Stone of Passage: Pick this up to unlock the corresponding room in the final temple.
  • Upgrades and Changes: Killing an Architect changes the current room or upgrades its tier for better rewards.
  • Corruption Chambers: Special rooms offering unique gem rewards and potential corruption.

Strategic Choices:

  • Do you prioritize immediate rewards or focus on building a valuable future temple?
  • Which Architect do you eliminate to shape the temple's layout?
  • Can you complete the incursion's objectives within the time limit?


  • Gain access to the Temple of Atzoatl, a massive endgame dungeon with diverse rewards.
  • Influence the temple's layout for optimal farming and exploration.
  • Earn valuable Vaal gems, unique items, and currency drops.
  • Face engaging mini-challenges with strategic decision-making.

Additional Resources:

I hope this overview gives you a good grasp of Incursion! Feel free to ask any specific questions you have about its mechanics, strategies, or rewards. I'm happy to delve deeper into this fascinating Path of Exile feature.

PoE Incursion Cheat Sheet

League mechanics: Incursion. Incursion roomsare small zones that can be explored intemporal incursions. After 12 incursions, the rooms are combined into one large dungeon,the Temple of Atzoatl.

A temporal incursion is a short-duration visit to the past wherein two Vaal architects are vying for control of a room within the Temple of Atzoatl. The objective is to murder one of the architects so that the other can prevail, thereby altering the Temple in the present time.

Temple of Atzoatl Guide

After 12 incursions, the completed Temple of Atzoatl dungeon can be entered and looted. Which rooms are accessible and what they contain depends on the player's actions during the incursions.

You can also select "Take Temple Chronicle" to itemize the completed Temple of Atzoatl into aChronicle of Atzoatl, which can be used to open an instance to that Temple of Atzoatl using amap device. You must be able to access a map device to use this function.

The following guide shows you how to navigate within The Temple of Atzoatl.

Step Image Mechanic

PoE Incursion Changes & Guide 3.14 (1)

First complete 12 incursions by talking to Alva within the acts or in maps. Then talk to her to view the temple layout.

PoE Incursion Changes & Guide 3.14 (2)

Click theOpen Templebutton to spawn 6 portals to the temple around yourMap Device. Enter any portal.

PoE Incursion Changes & Guide 3.14 (3)

Run north to the entrance, and navigate north-west (up-left) to reach the boss room. The image depicts an open door that can be passed through.

These are doors that you unlocked using theStone of Passageduring previous incursions.


PoE Incursion Changes & Guide 3.14 (4)

At some point you may come across a container that holds aFlashpowder Keg.

This keg is very valuable and must be saved to open a blocked passage to the boss room (if it is blocked). Do not use it on mundate blocked doors as you may get only 1 in an entire temple, if any.


PoE Incursion Changes & Guide 3.14 (5)

At some point you may come across blocked doors. These are passages that you did not manage to open using theStone of Passage.

Just backtrack, and find another way to reach the room.


PoE Incursion Changes & Guide 3.14 (6)

As you can see in this map, the only passage leading to the boss arena is blocked and thus we have to blast our way through.

PoE Incursion Changes & Guide 3.14 (7)

You can now use theFlashpowder Kegto blast our way through and enter the boss arena.

PoE Incursion Changes & Guide 3.14 (8)

Before entering the boss room, spawn a portal so you can return to this point if you die. Then enter the boss arena door.

PoE Incursion Changes & Guide 3.14 (9)

Defeat the boss,The Vaal Omnitect.

PoE Incursion Changes & Guide 3.14 (10)

If you die, you can return to the temple using any of the remaining portals. If you kill the boss, portals will spawn to let you return to your hideout.

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PoE Incursion Cheat Sheet

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The temple will be spawned with a random selection of tier 0 and tier 1 incursion rooms.Withintemporal incursionsthe rooms can be connected by opening doors withStone of Passagedropped by monsters. Incursion rooms can be either changed or upgraded by killing one of the twoArchitectspresent in the incursion. The layout of the temporal incursion will depend on the current room.

Incursions per map- You can encounter at most one incursion for a specific location in the temple per zone. For example if you upgrade an Antechamber to a Corruption Chamber, Alva will not spawn an incursion for the Corruption Chamber in the same zone. For players who want to maximize their chances to upgrade a certain room type, not speaking to Alva again after she spawns the desired room increase the odds of encountering that type of room again in later incursions. This is a trade-off as it will require more Alva encounters to complete a temple. It is not necessarily efficient from the perspective of average Alva encounters per temple with a specific tier 3 room.

Maximum tier- All incursion rooms have a maximum of tier 3.

  • When an incursion room reaches tier 3 that type of room will no longer spawn. This makes the chance of finding other specific rooms go up slightly, because there are fewer total rooms that have a chance to spawn on the next incursion.

Time saving options-

  • Holding control and left clicking on Alva in a map will show you the temple. This is a faster way to see which incursion room you will pick for players who prefer to see the room before entering.
  • Another option is to enter the incursion as fast as possible without looking at the rooms and then press V (or custom keybind) to see the map temple before fighting monsters. This is because there is a grace period where you can look at the map, but not perform actions, because performing actions removes the grace period. This can save time for players who fall behind on delirium mirror maps, because the time limit counts down while talking to alva outside of incursions, but the timer pauses while inside the incursion itself.

Architects & Defeat an Incursion Architect

Vaal Architects(normally just calledArchitects) guide the construction of the Temple.

Each Architect has a set of three possibleincursion roomsthat the Architect prefers: a "tier 1", "tier 2", and "tier 3" room, with tier 3 being the most powerful. Only one incursion room preferred by a given Architect can be in the Temple layout at any given time.

During an incursion, each incursion room is occupied by two Architects. Killing either one allows the other to disappear, and to rebuild the room to their liking after the incursion is complete.

Incursion Atlas Passive Skill

Count Name Description
1 Artefacts of the Vaal
  • Your Maps have 3% chance to grant an additional Alva Mission on Completion
  • Incursion Architects in your Maps have 60% chance to drop an additional Rare Incursion Item
1 Vaal Oligarchs
  • Incursions in your Maps contain a Vaal Flesh Merchant
3 Incursion Item Quantity
  • 5% increased Quantity of Items dropped in Incursions in your Maps
2 Incursion Rare Chance
  • Incursion Architects in your Maps have 20% chance to drop an additional Rare Incursion Item

Incursion Atlas Passive Skill

Count Name Description
1 Time Dilation
  • Incursions in your Maps have 33% chance for all Monsters to be at least Magic
  • Time gained from Kills is Doubled for Incursions in your Maps
3 Incursion Mission Chance
  • Your Maps have 1% chance to grant an additional Alva Mission on Completion

Incursion Atlas Passive Skill

Count Name Description
1 The Perpetual Search
  • Your Maps have 4% chance to grant an additional Alva Mission on Completion
2 Incursion Item Quantity
  • 5% increased Quantity of Items dropped in Incursions in your Maps

Incursion Atlas Passive Skill

Count Name Description
1 Contested Development
  • Killing resident Architects in your Maps adds their Upgrade Tier to the surviving Architect's Room
1 Resource Reallocation
  • Killing non-resident Architects in your Maps has 40% chance to add
  • an additional Upgrade Tier to the surviving Architect's Room
3 Incursion Pack Size
  • Incursions in your Maps have 5% increased Pack Size
1 Incursion Upgrade Chance
  • Killing non-resident Architects in your Maps has 10% chance to add
  • an additional Upgrade Tier to the surviving Architect's Room

List of Incursion Cheat Sheet




Poison Garden
  • Spreads poisonous plants throughout the Temple.
  • Cultivar Chamber
  • Spreads poisonous and parasitic plants throughout the Temple.
  • Toxic Grove - Tacati, Architect of Toxins
  • Spreads poisonous and parasitic plants throughout the Temple.Contains a valuable item.
  • Apep's Slumber
  • Tacati's Mod
  • Sacrificial Chamber
  • Allows you to sacrifice a unique item.Ahuana drops an additional Unique Item.
  • Hall of Offerings
  • Allows you to sacrifice a unique item.Ahuana drops an additional Unique Item.
  • Apex of Ascension - Ahuana, Architect of Ceremonies
  • Allows you to sacrifice a unique item.Ahuana drops an additional Unique Item.
  • Tempest Generator
  • Adds certain Tempests to the Temple.Buffs from Tempests have 50% increased duration.
  • Hurricane Engine
  • Adds certain Tempests to the Temple.Buffs from Tempests have 100% increased duration.
  • Storm of Corruption - Topotante, Architect of Storms
  • Adds Corrupting or Radiating Tempests to the Temple.Buffs from Tempests have 200% increased duration.Contains a valuable item.
  • Topotante's Mod
  • Trap Workshop
  • Monsters throughout the Temple have increased area of effect.Adds traps throughout the Temple.
  • Temple Defense Workshop
  • Monsters throughout the Temple have increased area of effect.Adds traps throughout the Temple.
  • Defense Research Lab - Matatl, Architect of Fortifications
  • Monsters throughout the Temple have increased area of effect.Adds traps throughout the Temple.Contains a valuable item.
  • Architect's Hand
  • Matatl's Mod
  • Surveyor's Study [68]
  • Contains chests full of maps.
  • Office of Cartography
  • Contains chests full of maps.
  • Atlas of Worlds - Uromoti, Architect of Expansion
  • Contains chests full of maps.Architects drop Map-related Currency.
  • Royal Meeting Room [68]
  • Increases the number of magic monsters throughout the Temple.
  • Hall of Lords
  • Increases the number of magic monsters throughout the Temple.
  • Throne of Atziri - Xipocado, Royal Architect
  • Increases the number of magic monsters throughout the Temple.Contains Queen Atziri.
  • Storage Room
  • Contains chests full of items.
  • Warehouses
  • Contains chests full of items.
  • Museum of Artefacts - Juatalotli, Architect of the Hoard
  • Contains chests full of items.
  • Corruption Chamber
  • Reduces player maximum resistances throughout the Temple.
  • Catalyst of Corruption
  • Reduces player maximum resistances throughout the Temple.
  • Locus of Corruption - Paquate, Architect of Corruption
  • Reduces player maximum resistances throughout the Temple.Contains an Altar of Corruption.
  • Shadowstitch
  • Explosives Room
  • Contains an Explosive Charge.Contains one Sealed Coffer.
  • Flashpowder Keg
  • Demolition Lab
  • Contains Explosive Charges.Contains two Sealed Coffers.
  • Shrine of Unmaking - Hayoxi, Architect of Destruction
  • Contains Explosive Charges.Contains three Sealed Coffers.
  • Armourer's Workshop
  • Monsters throughout the Temple have increased resistances.Contains chests full of armour.
  • Armoury
  • Monsters throughout the Temple have increased resistances.Contains chests full of armour.
  • Chamber of Iron - Atmohua, Architect of Iron
  • Monsters throughout the Temple have increased resistances.Contains chests full of armour.
  • Sparring Room
  • Increases monster criticals throughout the Temple.Contains chests full of weapons.
  • Arena of Valour
  • Increases monster criticals throughout the Temple.Contains chests full of weapons.
  • Hall of Champions - Ticaba, Architect of the Arena
  • Increases monster criticals throughout the Temple.Contains chests full of weapons.
  • Guardhouse
  • Increases monster pack size throughout the Temple.
  • Barracks
  • Increases monster pack size throughout the Temple.
  • Hall of War - Cholotl, Architect of the War
  • Increases monster pack size throughout the Temple.
  • Splinter Research Lab
  • Contains a Breach.
  • Breach Containment Chamber
  • Contains two Breaches and Breach Splinters.Breaches open and close faster.
  • House of the Others - Zilquapa, Architect of the Breach
  • Contains three Breaches and Breach Splinters.Breaches open and close faster.
  • Gemcutter's Workshop
  • Contains chests full of gems.
  • Department of Thaumaturgy
  • Contains chests full of gems.
  • Doryani's Institute - Zalatl, Architect of Thaumaturgy
  • Contains chests full of gems and a device that can corrupt gems in a special way.
  • Vault
  • Contains chests full of currency items.
  • Treasury
  • Contains chests full of currency items.
  • Wealth of the Vaal - Estazunti, Architect of the Vault
  • Contains chests full of currency items.
  • Jeweller's Workshop
  • Increases the rarity of items dropped in the Temple.Contains chests full of jewellery.
  • Jewellery Forge
  • Increases the rarity of items dropped in the Temple.Contains chests full of jewellery.
  • Glittering Halls - Azcapa, Architect of the Guild
  • Increases the rarity of items dropped in the Temple.Contains chests full of jewellery.
  • Workshop
  • Increases the life of the Omnitect and Monsters throughout the Temple.Increases item yield of the Temple.
  • Engineering Department
  • Increases the life of the Omnitect and Monsters throughout the Temple.Increases item yield of the Temple.
  • Factory - Jiquani, Architect of Industry
  • Increases the life of the Omnitect and Monsters throughout the Temple.Increases item yield of the Temple.
  • Shrine of Empowerment
  • Increases the speed of monsters throughout the Temple.Upgrades one random adjacent and connected room by one Tier.
  • Sanctum of Unity
  • Increases the speed of monsters throughout the Temple.Increases level of items dropped by one.Upgrades two random adjacent and connected rooms by one Tier.
  • Temple Nexus - Quipolatl, Architect of the Nexus
  • Increases the speed of monsters throughout the Temple.Increases level of items dropped by one.Upgrades all adjacent rooms by one Tier, regardless of connections.
  • Pools of Restoration
  • Heals monsters in the Temple.
  • Sanctum of Vitality
  • Heals monsters in the Temple.
  • Sanctum of Immortality - Guatelitzi, Architect of Flesh
  • Heals monsters in the Temple.Contains a valuable item.
  • Mask of the Spirit Drinker
  • Guatelitzi's Mod
  • Hatchery
  • Increases monster damage throughout the Temple.Adds additional Minion monster packs throughout the Temple.Augments the Omnitect with minions.
  • Automaton Lab
  • Increases monster damage throughout the Temple.Adds additional Minion monster packs throughout the Temple.Augments the Omnitect with minions.
  • Hybridisation Chamber - Citaqualotl, Architect of the Swarm
  • Increases monster damage throughout the Temple.Adds additional Minion monster packs throughout the Temple.Augments the Omnitect with minions.Contains a valuable item.
  • Coward's Chains
  • Citaqualotl's Mod
  • Flame Workshop
  • Monsters throughout the Temple have additional fire damage.Adds additional Fire monster packs throughout the Temple.Augments the Omnitect with fire.
  • Omnitect Forge
  • Monsters throughout the Temple have additional fire damage.Adds additional Fire monster packs throughout the Temple.Augments the Omnitect with fire.
  • Crucible of Flame - Puhuarte, Architect of the Forge
  • Monsters throughout the Temple have additional fire damage.Adds additional Fire monster packs throughout the Temple.Augments the Omnitect with fire.Contains a valuable item.
  • Story of the Vaal
  • of Puhuarte Mod
  • Lightning Workshop
  • Monsters throughout the Temple have additional lightning damage.Adds additional Lightning monster packs throughout the Temple.Augments the Omnitect with lightning.
  • Omnitect Reactor Plant
  • Monsters throughout the Temple have additional lightning damage.Adds additional Lightning monster packs throughout the Temple.Augments the Omnitect with lightning.
  • Conduit of Lightning - Xopec, Architect of Power
  • Monsters throughout the Temple have additional lightning damage.Adds additional Lightning monster packs throughout the Temple.Augments the Omnitect with lightning.Contains a valuable item.
  • Dance of the Offered
  • Xopec's Mod
  • Torment Cells
  • Contains Tormented Spirits.Contains additional roaming Tormented Spirits.
  • Torture Cages
  • Contains Tormented Spirits.Contains additional roaming Tormented Spirits.Architects and the Omnitect are possessed by a Tormented Spirit.
  • sad*st's Den - Tzamoto, Architect of Torments
  • Contains Tormented Spirits.Contains additional roaming Tormented Spirits.Architects and the Omnitect are possessed by Tormented Spirits.
  • Strongbox Chamber
  • Contains Strongboxes.
  • Hall of Locks
  • Contains Strongboxes.
  • Court of Sealed Death - Zantipi, Architect of Concealment
  • Contains Strongboxes.
  • Hall of Mettle [68]
  • Contains a Timeless Monolith.
  • Hall of Heroes
  • Contains a valuable Timeless Monolith.
  • Hall of Legends - Opiloti, Architect of Strife
  • Contains a Timeless Monolith that will reveal two Generals.
  • Apex of Atzoatl
    The Vaal OmnitectPoE Incursion Changes & Guide 3.14 (12)PoE Incursion Changes & Guide 3.14 (13)PoE Incursion Changes & Guide 3.14 (14)PoE Incursion Changes & Guide 3.14 (15)PoE Incursion Changes & Guide 3.14 (16)PoE Incursion Changes & Guide 3.14 (17)PoE Incursion Changes & Guide 3.14 (18)PoE Incursion Changes & Guide 3.14 (19)PoE Incursion Changes & Guide 3.14 (20)PoE Incursion Changes & Guide 3.14 (21)PoE Incursion Changes & Guide 3.14 (22)PoE Incursion Changes & Guide 3.14 (23)PoE Incursion Changes & Guide 3.14 (24)PoE Incursion Changes & Guide 3.14 (25)PoE Incursion Changes & Guide 3.14 (26)

    Apex of Ascension


    Your Offer

    Mask of the Stitched Demon
    1x Mask of the Spirit Drinker
    1x PoE Incursion Changes & Guide 3.14 (27)Vial of Summoning
    Coward's Legacy
    1x Coward's Chains
    1x PoE Incursion Changes & Guide 3.14 (28)Vial of Consequence
    Fate of the Vaal
    1x Story of the Vaal
    1x PoE Incursion Changes & Guide 3.14 (29)Vial of Fate
    Zerphi's Heart
    1x Sacrificial Heart
    1x PoE Incursion Changes & Guide 3.14 (30)Vial of Sacrifice
    1x Dance of the Offered
    1x PoE Incursion Changes & Guide 3.14 (31)Vial of the Ritual
    Apep's Supremacy
    1x Apep's Slumber
    1x PoE Incursion Changes & Guide 3.14 (32)Vial of Awakening
    Soul Ripper
    1x Soul Catcher
    1x PoE Incursion Changes & Guide 3.14 (33)Vial of the Ghost
    Slavedriver's Hand
    1x Architect's Hand
    1x PoE Incursion Changes & Guide 3.14 (34)Vial of Dominance
    Transcendent Flesh
    1x Tempered Flesh
    1x PoE Incursion Changes & Guide 3.14 (35)Vial of Transcendence
    Transcendent Spirit
    1x Tempered Spirit
    1x PoE Incursion Changes & Guide 3.14 (36)Vial of Transcendence
    Transcendent Mind
    1x Tempered Mind
    1x PoE Incursion Changes & Guide 3.14 (37)Vial of Transcendence

    Locus of Corruption


    ShadowstitchSacrificial Garb x1

    Untiered incursion rooms

    These are incursion rooms not preferred by any particular Architect.

    During an incursion, untiered incursion rooms are occupied by two random Architects who do not currently have one of their preferred incursion rooms in the Temple layout.

    • If you killing either Architect in the room during an incursion, the room will normally be rebuilt into the surviving Architect's tier 1 preferred room.
    • If you do not kill either Architect, the room will remain unchanged.

    During the present-day Temple run, untiered incursion rooms are not occupied by an Architect, and have no modifiers or effects on the rest of the Temple.

    Antechamber,Apex of Atzoatl,Banquet Hall,Cellar,Chasm,Cloister,Entrance,Halls,Passageways,Pits,Tombs,Tunnels

    Tiered incursion rooms

    These are incursion rooms preferred by a particular Architect.

    The Temple layout will never contain more than one incursion room preferred by a given Architect.

    During an incursion, tiered incursion rooms are occupied by two Architects: the architect who prefers that room, and a random Architect who does not have one of their preferred rooms in the Temple layout.

    • If you kill the Architect who prefers the room, the room will normally be rebuilt into the surviving Architect's tier 1 preferred room.
    • If you kill the Architect who does not prefer the room, the room will normally be upgraded into the surviving Architect's next-highest preferred room (tier 1 into tier 2, or tier 2 into tier 3).
    • If you do not kill either architect, the room will remain unchanged.

    During the present-day Temple run, tiered incursion rooms are defended by the Architect who prefers them, and may have modifiers that affect the room or the entire Temple.

    Ahuana, Architect of Ceremonies

    During the present-day Temple run:

    • TheSacrificial Chambercontains aTable of Sacrificethat allows the player to sacrifice a unique item and receive another.
    • TheHall of Offeringscontains aTable of Sacrificethat allows the player to sacrifice a unique item and receive another unique item of the same item class.
    • TheApex of Ascensioncontains anAltar of Sacrificethat does the same, and also allows the player to use avialto convert specific unique items into more powerful versions.
    Tier Room Description Temple modifiers
    1 Sacrificial Chamber Allows you to sacrifice a unique item.
    Ahuana drops an additional Unique Item.
    2 Hall of Offerings Allows you to sacrifice a unique item.
    Ahuana drops an additional Unique Item.
    3 Apex of Ascension Allows you to sacrifice a unique item.
    Ahuana drops an additional Unique Item.

    Atmohua, Architect of Iron

    Tier Room Description Temple modifiers
    1 Armourer's Workshop Monsters throughout the Temple have increased resistance.
    Contains chests full of armour.
    2 Armoury Monsters throughout the Temple have increased resistance.
    Contains chests full of armour.
    3 Chamber of Iron Monsters throughout the Temple have increased resistances.
    Contains chests full of armour.
    +40% MonsterPhysical DamageReduction
    +40% MonsterElemental Resistance
    +25% MonsterChaos Resistance

    Azcapa, Architect of the Guild

    Tier Room Description Temple modifiers
    1 Jeweller's Workshop Increases the rarity of items dropped in the Temple.
    Contains chests full of jewellery.
    2 Jewellery Forge Increases the rarity of items dropped in the Temple.
    Contains chests full of jewellery.
    3 Glittering Halls Increases the rarity of items dropped in the Temple.
    Contains chests full of jewellery.

    Cholotl, Architect of the War

    Tier Room Description Temple modifiers
    1 Guardhouse Increases monster pack size throughout the Temple. 10% increased Pack size
    2 Barracks Increases monster pack size throughout the Temple. 20% increased Pack size
    3 Hall of War Increases monster pack size throughout the Temple. 30% increased Pack size

    Citaqualotl, Architect of the Swarm

    Tier Room Description Temple modifiers
    1 Hatchery Increase monster damage throughout the Temple.
    Adds additional Minion monster packs throughout the Temple.
    Augments the Omnitect with minions.
    10% increased Monster Damage
    2 Automaton Lab Increase monster damage throughout the Temple.
    Adds additional Minion monster packs throughout the Temple.
    Augments the Omnitect with minions.
    15% increased Monster Damage
    3 Hybridisation Chamber Increases monster damage throughout the Temple.
    Adds additional Minion monster packs throughout the Temple.
    Augments the Omnitect with minions.
    Contains a valuable item.
    20% increased Monster Damage

    Estazunti, Architect of the Vault

    Tier Room Description Temple modifiers
    1 Vault Contains chests full of currency items. None
    2 Treasury Contains chests full of currency items. None
    3 Wealth of the Vaal Contains chests full of currency items. None

    Guatelitzi, Architect of Flesh

    During the present-day Temple run:

    • Guatelitzi's incursion rooms contain an item with aGuatelitzimodifier, orMask of the Spirit Drinker.
    Tier Room Description Temple modifiers
    1 Pools of Restoration Heals monsters in the Temple. None
    2 Sanctum of Vitality Heals monsters in the Temple. None
    3 Sanctum of Immortality Heals monsters in the Temple.
    Contains a valuable item.

    Hayoxi, Architect of Destruction

    During the present-day Temple run:

    • Hayoxi's incursion rooms contain one or more Explosive Kegs. Each explosive keg will allow the player to open one passage that was not previously opened during incursions, or to open a Sealed Keg containing extra loot.
    Tier Room Description Temple modifiers
    1 Explosives Room Contains an Explosive Charge.
    Contains one Sealed Coffer.
    2 Demolition Lab Contains Explosive Charges.
    Contains two Sealed Coffers.
    3 Shrine of Unmaking Contains Explosive Charges. None

    Jiquani, Architect of Industry

    Tier Room Description Temple modifiers
    1 Workshop Increases the life of the Omnitect and Monsters throughout the Temple.
    Increases item yield of the Temple.
    20% increased Quantity of Items found in this Area
    Unique Boss has 15% increasedLife
    2 Engineering Department Increases the life of the Omnitect.
    Increases item yield of the Temple.
    40% increased Quantity of Items found in this Area
    Unique Boss has 25% increasedLife
    3 Factory Increases the life of the Omnitect and Monsters throughout the Temple. Increases item yield of the Temple. 60% increased Quantity of Items found in this Area
    Unique Boss has 35% increasedLife

    Juatalotli, Architect of the Hoard

    During the present-day Temple run:

    • Chests in theMuseum of Artefactscan contain league-specific unique items.
    Tier Room Description Temple modifiers
    1 Storage Room Contains chests full of items. None
    2 Warehouses Contains chests full of items. None
    3 Museum of Artefacts Contains chests full of items. None

    Matatl, Architect of Fortifications

    During the present-day Temple run:

    • Tacati's incursion rooms cause the entire Temple to contain traps normally found in theLabyrinth.
    • TheDefense Research Labincursion room contains an item with aMatatlmodifier, orArchitect's Hand.
    Tier Room Description Temple modifiers
    1 Trap Workshop Adds traps throughout the Temple. None
    2 Temple Defense Workshop Adds traps throughout the Temple. None
    3 Defense Research Lab Monsters throughout the Temple have increased area of effect.
    Adds traps throughout the Temple.
    Contains a valuable item.

    Opiloti, Architect of Strife

    Tier Room Description Temple modifiers
    1 Hall of Mettle Contains a Timeless Monolith. None
    2 Hall of Heroes Contains a valuable Timeless Monolith. None
    3 Hall of Legends Contains a Timeless Monolith that will reveal two Generals. None

    Paquate, Architect of Corruption

    During the present-day Temple run:

    • TheLocus of Corruptioncontains anAltar of Corruption, allowing the player to corrupt an item in unusual ways.
    Tier Room Description Temple modifiers
    1 Corruption Chamber Reduces player maximum resistances throughout the Temple. -6% maximum Player Resistances
    2 Catalyst of Corruption Reduces player maximum resistances throughout the Temple. -8% maximum Player Resistances
    3 Locus of Corruption Reduces player maximum resistances throughout the Temple.
    Contains an Altar of Corruption.
    -10% maximum Player Resistances

    Puhuarte, Architect of the Forge

    During the present-day Temple run:

    • Puhuarte's incursion rooms contain an item with aPuhuartemodifier, orStory of the Vaal.
    Tier Room Description Temple modifiers
    1 Flame Workshop Monsters throughout the Temple have additional fire damage.
    Adds additional Fire monster packs throughout the Temple
    Augments the Omnitect with fire.
    2 Omnitect Forge Monsters throughout the Temple have additional fire damage.
    Adds additional Fire monster packs throughout the Temple
    Augments the Omnitect with fire.
    3 Crucible of Flame Augments the Omnitect with fire.
    Contains a valuable item.

    Quipolatl, Architect of the Nexus

    Tier Room Description Temple modifiers
    1 Shrine of Empowerment Increases the speed of monsters throughout the Temple.
    Upgrades one random adjacent and connected room by one Tier.
    10% increased MonsterCast Speed
    10% increased MonsterAttack Speed
    2 Sanctum of Unity Increases the speed of monsters throughout the Temple.
    Increases level of items dropped by one
    Upgrades two random adjacent and connected rooms by one Tier.
    15% increased MonsterCast Speed
    15% increased MonsterAttack Speed
    Monsters drop items 1Levelhigher
    3 Temple Nexus Increases the speed of monsters throughout the Temple.
    Increases level of items dropped by one
    Upgrades all adjacent rooms by one Tier.
    20% increased MonsterCast Speed
    20% increased MonsterAttack Speed
    Monsters drop items 1Levelhigher

    Tacati, Architect of Toxins

    During the present-day Temple run:

    • Tacati's incursion rooms cause the entire Temple to contain caustic plants. When walked over by a character, these plants will release a caustic cloud, but may also drop loot.
    • Tacati's incursion rooms contain items with aTacatimodifier.
    • Tacati's incursion rooms may containApep's Slumber.
    Tier Room Description Temple modifiers
    1 Poison Garden Spreads poisonous plants throughout the Temple. None
    2 Cultivar Chamber Spreads poisonous and parasitic plants throughout the Temple. None
    3 Toxic Grove Spreads poisonous plants throughout the Temple.
    Contains a valuable item.

    Ticaba, Architect of the Arena

    Tier Room Description Temple modifiers
    1 Sparring Room Increases monster criticals throughout the Temple.
    Contains chests full of weapons.
    2 Arena of Valour Increases monster criticals throughout the Temple.
    Contains chests full of weapons.
    3 Hall of Champions Increases monster damage throughout the Temple.
    Contains chests full of weapons.
    20% increased Monster Damage

    Topotante, Architect of Storms

    During the present-day Temple run:

    • Topotante's incursion rooms causeTempeststo appear in the Temple.
    • Topotante's incursion rooms contain items with aTopotantemodifier.
    Tier Room Description Temple modifiers
    1 Tempest Generator Adds certain Tempests to the Temple.
    Buffs from Tempests have 50% increased duration.
    2 Hurricane Engine Adds certain Tempests to the Temple. None
    3 Storm of Corruption Adds Corrupting or Radiating Tempests to the Temple.
    Buffs from Tempests have 200% increased duration.
    Contains a valuable item.

    Tzamoto, Architect of Torments

    During the present-day Temple run:

    • If theTorture Cagesorsad*st's Denis present, Architects and theOmnitectare possessed by aTormented Spirit.
    Tier Room Description Temple modifiers
    1 Torment Cells Contains Tormented Spirits.
    Contains additional roaming Tormented Spirits.
    2 Torture Cages Contains Tormented Spirits. None
    3 sad*st's Den Contains Tormented Spirits. None

    Uromoti, Architect of Expansion

    During the present-day Temple run:

    • The maps found in Uromoti's incursion rooms have a chance to drop with theVaalprefix.
    • If theAtlas of Worldsincursion room is present, all Architects will drop extra map-related currency.
    Tier Room Description Temple modifiers
    1 Surveyor's Study Contains chests full of maps. None
    2 Office of Cartography Contains chests full of maps. None
    3 Atlas of Worlds Contains chests full of maps.
    Architects drop Map-related Currency.

    Xipocado, Royal Architect

    During the present-day Temple run:

    • Throne of AtziricontainsAtziri, Queen of the Vaal.
    Tier Room Description Temple modifiers
    1 Royal Meeting Room Increases the number of magic monsters throughout the Temple. 10% more Magic Monsters
    2 Hall of Lords Increases the number of magic monsters throughout the Temple. 20% more Magic Monsters
    3 Throne of Atziri Contains Queen Atziri. 30% more Magic Monsters

    Xopec, Architect of Power

    During the present-day Temple run:

    • Xopec's incursion rooms contain an item with aXopecmodifier, orDance of the Offered.
    Tier Room Description Temple modifiers
    1 Lightning Workshop Monsters throughout the Temple have additional lightning damage.
    Adds additional Lightning monster packs throughout the Temple
    Augments the Omnitect with lightning.
    2 Omnitect Reactor Plant Monsters throughout the Temple have additional lightning damage.
    Adds additional Lightning monster packs throughout the Temple
    Augments the Omnitect with lightning.
    3 Conduit of Lightning Monsters throughout the Temple have additional lightning damage.
    Adds additional Lightning monster packs throughout the Temple
    Augments the Omnitect with lightning.
    Contains a valuable item.

    Zalatl, Architect of Thaumaturgy

    During the present-day Temple run:

    • TheDoryani's Institutecontains aLapidary Lens, allowing the player to double-corruptagem.
    Tier Room Description Temple modifiers
    1 Gemcutter's Workshop Contains chests full of gems. None
    2 Department of Thaumaturgy Contains chests full of gems. None
    3 Doryani's Institute Contains chests full of gems and a device that can corrupt gems in a special way. None

    Zantipi, Architect of Concealment

    Tier Room Description Temple modifiers
    1 Strongbox Chamber Contains Strongboxes. None
    2 Hall of Locks Contains Strongboxes. None
    3 Court of Sealed Death Contains Strongboxes. None

    Zilquapa, Architect of the Breach

    Tier Room Description Temple modifiers
    1 Splinter Research Lab Contains a Breach. None
    2 Breach Containment Chamber Contains two Breaches and Breach Splinters.<br/.Breaches open close faster. None
    3 House of the Others Contains three Breaches and Breach Splinters.
    Breaches open and close faster.

    Incursion Changes 3.14

    • Alva can now convert your completed and ready-to-run Temple of Atzoatl into an tradeable object that can be consumed in the Map Device. You will need access to the Map Device to use this convert function.
    • It has made a lot of changes to the Temple of Atzoatl. As you may know, specific rooms in the Temple of Atzoatl can drop unique Incursion items that can later be upgraded – many of these unique items have been improved (please read the Incursion Uniques Changes section for more information).
    • Previously, the temple’s boss, the Omnitect, dropped random rare items with special Incursion modifiers on them. Now, it also drops rare items with Incursion modifiers based around the themes of the rooms your temple contains, and has a higher chance to drop Vials related to that room. Having higher tier rooms also causes more rare items to drop.
    • Specific rooms now add specific Monster packs to the temple and Temple modifiers have been improved which results in more monster density, challenge and reward. Temple modifiers have been improved so that if your temple has more higher-tier rooms, then it’s comparable to a good map. We have also performed a modernisation pass on room rewards so that they’re competitive with newer leagues.
    • The Explosives Rooms now contain some basic chests that can be opened with Flashpowder Kegs if you don’t need them for opening a path elsewhere in the temple.
    • The Shrine of Empowerment room in the Temple of Atzoatl now randomly empowers one connected room that is tier 2 or below and upgrades it by one tier. The Sanctum of Unity room now randomly empowers two connected rooms that are tier 2 or below and upgrades them by one tier each.
    • The Table of Sacrifice in the Hall of Offerings room now allows you to sacrifice a unique item for another random unique of the same item class.
    • The “Monsters Killed” progress bar in Temporal Incursions has been updated slightly, to make it easier to see if you have killed all of the Monsters in the Incursion.

    Incursion Uniques Changes

    PoE Incursion Changes & Guide 3.14 (38) Apep’s Slumber
    • Is now on a Vaal Spirit Shield base type.
    • Now adds 50-55 to 72-80 Chaos Damage (previously 20-22 to 30-37).
    • Now causes you to Regenerate 80 Energy Shield per Second per Poison on You (previously 50), up to 400 per second (previously 250).
    PoE Incursion Changes & Guide 3.14 (39) Coward’s Chains
    • No longer grants 20-25% increased Damage.
    • Now causes you to count as on Full Life while you are Cursed with PoE Incursion Changes & Guide 3.14 (40) Vulnerability.
    • Now grants +15-20 to all Attributes (previously +10-15).
    PoE Incursion Changes & Guide 3.14 (41) Mask of the Spirit Drinker
    • Is now on a Magistrate Crown base type.
    • Now grants +30-60 to Maximum Energy Shield.
    • Now grants 140-220% increased Armour and Energy Shield (previously 60-80)%.
    • Now grants +80-100 to Maximum Life (previously +30-50).
    PoE Incursion Changes & Guide 3.14 (42) Dance of the Offered
    • Is now on a Carnal Boots base type.
    • No longer causes you to lose (30-40) Mana per Second.
    • Now grants the Agnostic.
    • Now grants +25-30% to Lightning Resistance (previously +15-20).
    PoE Incursion Changes & Guide 3.14 (43) Story of the Vaal
    • Is now on a Gemstone Sword base type.
    • No longer grants +20-30 Life gained on Kill.
    • Now causes Hits with this Weapon to Freeze Enemies as though dealing 150-200% more Damage.
    • Now causes Hits with this Weapon to Shock Enemies as though dealing 150-200% more Damage.
    • Now causes Ignites inflicted with this Weapon to deal 50-75% more Damage.
    • Now grants 180-210% increased Physical Damage (previously 110-120%).
    PoE Incursion Changes & Guide 3.14 (44) Sacrificial Heart
    • No longer causes you to gain a Power Charge when you use a Vaal Skill.
    • Now causes you to gain up to maximum Power Charges when you use a Vaal Skill.
    PoE Incursion Changes & Guide 3.14 (45) Architect’s Hand
    • Is now on an Ambush Mitts base type.
    • Now grants 200-250% increased Evasion and Energy Shield (previously 100-125%).
    • No longer causes Skills used by Traps to have 10-20% increased Area of Effect.
    • Now grants 4-6% chance to throw up to 4 additional Traps.

    Note: Divine Orbs cannot be used to change base types or add and remove modifiers. Numerical changes to existing modifiers can be updated using a PoE Incursion Changes & Guide 3.14 (46) Divine Orb.

    PoE Incursion Changes & Guide 3.14 (2024)


    What tier are incursion rooms in Poe? ›

    Maximum tier - All incursion rooms have a maximum of tier 3. When an incursion room reaches tier 3 that type of room will no longer spawn. This makes the chance of finding other specific rooms go up slightly, because there is less total rooms that have a chance to spawn on the next incursion.

    How do incursions work in PoE? ›

    Each incursion room is occupied by two Architects. Killing either one allows the other to flee, and later either change the room to their liking after the incursion is complete, or upgrade it through continued development. Architects that are killed cannot be encountered again for the entirety of that temple.

    Where is Alva Poe? ›

    Meet Alva at the Causeway that leads to the Vaal City, and search for the lost Temple of Atzoatl. Complete the temporal Incursion for Alva. Complete the temporal Incursion for Alva at the Causeway. Quest Complete - You have completed a temporal Incursion for Alva.

    What is expedition poe? ›

    In Path of Exile: Expedition, you will join the Kalguuran expedition, excavate their lost relics and undead using chains of explosives, then barter, deal and gamble these relics with their merchants.

    What is the strongest character Path of Exile? ›

    What Are The Strongest Path Of Exile 3.23 Builds In 2024? - Top 7
    • #6. Tectonic Slam Chieftain. ...
    • #5. Mage Skeleton Necromancer. ...
    • #4. Elemental Hit Slayer. ...
    • #3. Impervious Herald Of Agony Juggernaut. ...
    • #2. Lacerate Gladiator. ...
    • #1. Detonate Dead Necromancer.
    Mar 8, 2024

    What is the highest evasion possible in Poe? ›

    The chance to evade an attack is based on the defender's evasion rating, though the actual chance to be hit by an attack also depends on the attacker's accuracy. Because chance to hit cannot be lower than 5%, chance to evade cannot exceed 95%.

    How do you guarantee Alva in Poe? ›

    You can guarantee Alva to spawn by using an Atlas Mission. Each time players encounter Alva Valai in the wilderness, she can open a time portal, allowing a visit to an incursion room in the ancient Vaal Temple of Atzoatl during its construction.

    How do you force Alva in Poe? ›

    Alva can randomly spawn in any map + the daily Alva quest visible on the Atlas. You can't force her spawn though on regular maps so the best bet is to just run map as regular and do the daily. The rooms you get is also completely random.

    Where is Zana in Poe? ›

    Zana will appear in the Epilogue after discovering your first Citadel.

    What is the forbidden trove Poe? ›

    Welcome to The Forbidden Trove. We are a group of Path Of Exile enthusiasts who set a goal of creating the most powerful items in the game, and bring them to mirror service. All items, except the "League Items" section, are located in Standard. TFT currently has 150+ Partners who have items in the shop.

    What is ultimatum in Poe? ›

    The Trials of Chaos, also known as Ultimatum, is a league mechanic introduced with the Ultimatum leagues. It was added to the core game in Version 3.23.

    What level do you unlock incursions? ›

    Incursions is unlocked at level 17. In incursions you and a partner pick 3 of your champions to put in a team before you begin. The incursion map is always the same with different paths and one boss in the end.

    What level are Tier 1 maps Poe? ›

    Map tierTier rangeMap level range
    Low tier maps1 - 568 - 72
    Mid tier maps6 - 1073 - 77
    Top tier maps11 - 1778 - 84

    How to get Tier 4 PoE? ›

    To access T4, you need to get to The Mastermind. Then you just need to have a T3 member, no need to worry about leaders anymore. Everyone on the board will get a +1 to their level. The most profit comes from Research and T4 Intervention, which can drop Winged Scarabs.

    What level is Act 6 in Poe? ›

    It covers monster levels 45-50, and its town is Lioneye's Watch. NPCs: Lilly Roth (gem vendor) Tarkleigh (weapon and armour vendor)

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