P90X Diet: What You Need to Know (2024)

P90X Diet: What You Need to Know (1)

Anyone who's seen an infomercial lately has likely heard of the workout called P90X. Online forums discuss its merits, gym rats report being reduced to Jell-O after workouts, and Internet ad copy promises "sculpted muscles" and "the body you've always wanted." Even senators in Washington are using it [source: Gavin].

In fact, so many people are trying P90X that it has become a $400 million a year business [source: Martin].


So what is it? Developed by fitness trainer Tony Horton, P90X is based on an exercise philosophy called "muscle confusion." This is the practice of constantly switching forms of exercise so muscles never fully acclimate. P90X consists of a rotation of a dozen exercises, none requiring anything more than a 6-foot-by-6-foot space, a pull-up bar, and some dumbbells or resistance bands.

People who order the P90X system receive (among other things, such as a fitness guide and a workout calendar) 12 DVDs containing videos depicting a particular workout.

One DVD features exercises for the chest and back, while another features a shoulder and arms workout. Other DVDs focus on different body parts or workouts, such as cardio exercises and yoga.

The P90X routine calls for exercise six days a week, for 13 weeks. In return, the consumer is all but promised shredded abs. This can be a pretty radical change in lifestyle for a person watching late-night infomercials.

But it's not all about exercise -- there's an accompanying dietary component as well. This is the P90X Diet, and in this article we'll discuss how the P90X Diet works, plus its drawbacks. To get started, see the next section.


  1. How the P90X Diet Works
  2. Drawbacks of the P90X Diet

How the P90X Diet Works

The P90X Diet has three phases, which roughly correlate to three phases of the P90X exercise program. The dieter can choose to follow any phase at any time.

The first phase of the P90X Diet is called "Fat Shredder." This is a high-protein, low-calorie diet, which aims to strip fat while building muscle. Half of all caloric intake is protein, 30 percent is carbohydrates and 20 percent is fat.


The second phase of the P90X diet is called "Energy Booster." During this phase of the diet, protein intake is reduced and carbohydrate intake is increased. The purpose of this phase is to provide increased energy. Caloric intake is set at 40 percent protein, 40 percent carbohydrates and 20 percent fat.

The third phase of the P90X Diet is called "Endurance Maximizer." This is an "optional" phase of the diet, which features complex carbohydrates and reduced protein. This phase is intended to provide the body with the energy it needs to meet the demands of intense P90X workouts. In this phase, daily diet includes 20 percent protein, 60 percent carbohydrates and 20 percent fat.

Within each of the three phases of the diet are three levels: one, two and three. Dieters are instructed to calculate daily caloric burn (plus 600 estimated calories spent on daily P90X workouts) and resting metabolic rate. The first level (within any of the three diet phases) is intended if daily caloric expenditure is 1,800 to 2,399; the second level is used if daily caloric expenditure is 2,400 to 2,999; and the third level is used for all higher daily caloric expenditures. The P90X nutrition plan offers meal suggestions for each level and each stage of the diet.

You can either proceed with suggested recipes or approach meal preparation by counting portions of food types to maintain the proportion called for by any phase of the P90X Diet. There are a variety of supplements available from the marketers of the P90X Diet, such as P90X Peak Performance Protein Bars, meal-replacement shakes and whey protein bars.

That's how the P90X Diet works. But what are its drawbacks? That's what we'll discuss in the next section.


Drawbacks of the P90X Diet

P90X Diet: What You Need to Know (2)

One major drawback to this diet is the cost. To receive in-depth information about the diet, you need to order the P90X workout package, which costs $120 for the 90-day program. This doesn't include the additional costs of the dietary supplements that are sold separately. A package of 12 protein bars costs almost $24 before shipping and handling fees [source: Beachbody].

Many of the dietary recommendations run contrary to those of respected organizations such as the American Heart Association and the Mayo Clinic. The P90X Diet is light on fruits and veggies, while the Mayo Clinic recommends unlimited servings [source: Mayo Clinic]. The AHA doesn't recommend high-protein diets due to health risks such as elevated ketone levels in the bloodstream.


Eliminating carbohydrates cuts water weight, one reason many low-carb diets offer quick results. Unfortunately, this weight is easily re-gained. The Mayo Clinic recommends a diet consisting of 45 to 65 percent carbohydrates, 10 to 35 percent protein, and 20 to 35 percent fat (consisting of good fats such as monounsaturated fats) [source: Mayo Clinic]. Two of the three phases of the P90X Diet prescribe carbohydrate intakes that do not meet the minimum levels of carbohydrates called for by the Mayo Clinic.

Additionally, the three phases of the diet vary quite a bit from one another, and if all three phases are incorporated during the 90-day program, the dieter will have changed their diet three times in as many months.

While there are recipes supplied by the makers of P90X, there aren't enough recipes to keep you interested for too long past the initial 90 days.

And what happens after 90 days? The designers of the P90X Diet don't have a clear suggestion for whether you should maintain one phase or the other, and some of this confusion results from the fact that the program itself is only designed to last 90 days. After that, people who've completed the program are encouraged to try other programs offered by the same company, many of which include specialized nutrition plans.

In addition to the roughly hour-long daily P90X workouts, maintaining the P90X Diet may be a pretty time-consuming pursuit for dieters. Not only will dieters track calorie intake and expenditure, but meal preparation must be in accordance with dietary guidelines that shift depending on the phase.

The P90X Diet isn't being presented by nutritionists or health care experts, but rather by a company that is bundling it together with a made-to-sell workout routine.

In the long run, it may be better to adopt a diet recommended by a reputable health care agency or not-for-profit organization.

Keep reading for lots more information about different diets.


Lots More Information

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  • American Heart Association. "High-Protein Diets." (June 20, 2011) http://www.americanheart.org/presenter.jhtml?identifier=11234
  • Beachbody. "P90X Peak Performance Supplements." (June 20, 2011) http://www.beachbody.com/category/supplements/p90x_peak_performance.do
  • Gavin, Patrick. "P90X: The congressional workout." June 14, 2011. (June 20, 2011) http://www.politico.com/news/stories/0611/56838.html
  • Levin-Epstein, Amy. "P90x Creator Tony Horton: My Success Secrets." June 14, 2011. (June 20, 2011) http://moneywatch.bnet.com/career-advice/blog/on-job/p90x-creator-tony-horton-my-success-secrets/924/
  • Martin, Andrew. "The Fitness Revolution Will Be Televised (After Leno)." May 28, 2011. (June 20, 2011) http://www.nytimes.com/2011/05/29/business/29exercise.html?pagewanted=1&_r=1
  • Mayo Clinic. "Healthy diet: End the guesswork with these nutrition guidelines." Feb. 22, 2011. (June 20, 2011) http://www.mayoclinic.com/health/healthy-diet/NU00200
  • Mayo Clinic. "Pyramid or plate? Explore these healthy diet options." (June 20, 2011) http://www.mayoclinic.com/health/healthy-diet/NU00190
  • My P90X Nutrition Plan. "Official Free P90X Nutrition Plan PDF Download." (June 20, 2011) http://myp90xnutritionplan.com/p90x-nutrition-guide/official-p90x-nutrition-guide-pdf-now-available-below/
P90X Diet: What You Need to Know (2024)


P90X Diet: What You Need to Know? ›

Half of all caloric intake is protein, 30 percent is carbohydrates and 20 percent is fat. The second phase of the P90X diet is called "Energy Booster." During this phase of the diet, protein intake is reduced and carbohydrate intake is increased. The purpose of this phase is to provide increased energy.

How many calories do you need to eat on P90X? ›

The program does not require counting calories, but you're encouraged to calculate which of three calorie levels —1,800, 2,400 or 3,000 calories — you fall into based on your body weight and activity level. This calorie level determines how many servings of each food group you can consume daily.

What are the downsides of P90X? ›

What are the downsides of P90X?
  • It's intense: Yep. P90X isn't for the faint-hearted. ...
  • It's designed for 90 days: That means 90 days of commitment. Once you're in, you're in. ...
  • There is risk of injury: Going all-out too quickly can backfire.

Does P90X work without the diet? ›

Following the P90X Classic schedule which has three weight training, one calisthenic, one kickboxing and one yoga workout during the first week, you would burn approximately 2,666 calories. So, using the P90X exercise program without changing your diet would result in a 1-pound weight loss every 10 days.

What happened to the P90X recovery drink? ›

Their decision to phase out P90X Results and Recovery Formula was based on a couple key factors: REASON #1—The stance on carbohydrate-to-protein ratios has changed. When it first came out, Results and Recovery Formula was on the cutting edge of post workout recovery drinks.

What is the 80 20 rule for calories? ›

If you're aiming for 80 percent of your diet to come from fresh and unprocessed whole foods, why not treat yourself with up to 20 percent of your favorite treats? For someone targeting 1500 calories a day that means you'd use about 1200 calories for healthy, nutritious meals and 300 calories for your treat.

How does the P90X diet work? ›

Half of all caloric intake is protein, 30 percent is carbohydrates and 20 percent is fat. The second phase of the P90X diet is called "Energy Booster." During this phase of the diet, protein intake is reduced and carbohydrate intake is increased. The purpose of this phase is to provide increased energy.

What disease does the P90X guy have? ›

He starred in a number of exercise videos including Power 90, which was marketed by BeachBody. He later created several sequels: P90X (Power 90 Extreme), which was his breakout hit; P90X2, and P90X3. In 2017 Horton revealed that he was diagnosed with Ramsay Hunt syndrome type 2.

How many pounds can you lose with P90X? ›

Taking into account that the safe rate of fat loss is between 1-2 pounds a week, and if you're currently 35% body fat at 180 pounds (meaning you have 63 pounds of fat mass), means you could lose somewhere between 12 and 25 pounds over a 90-day period.

How many times a week should I do P90X? ›

P90X is a well-structured exercise program that you can easily adapt for most fitness levels. The workout is demanding, taking 60-90 minutes of exercise 6 days a week.

Is P90X too hard for beginners? ›

A lot of them jumped right into it and said it was too hard. They burned out after a few workouts or just straight up gave up after the fitness test. I have to say, if you are really out of shape, this is not the workout program for you. I recommend starting out with at least a couple months of the Power 90 program.

What exercise was removed from P90X? ›

Tony Horton, creator of the famous P90X has banned sit-ups and crunches from his routines and Pete McCall, author and health and fitness expert referred to them as “an antiquity of exercise best left in the dustbin of fitness history”.

Which P90X burns the most calories? ›

The Plyometrics workout proved to be the biggest calorie burner, while the Chest, Shoulders & Triceps routine burned the fewest number of calories.

What replaced P90X? ›

Insanity. Beachbody, the same company that produced P90X, has an alternative workout program called Insanity. Insanity uses all body-weight exercises instead of added weights like P90X. You'll work for three to five minutes at a time before resting, alternating exercises that focus on different areas of your body.

What are the ingredients in the P90X drink? ›

Every p90x Recovery drink has 500 mg of creatine, 500 mg of L-Glutamine, 10 Grams of whey Protein, and 700 mg of L-Arginine to help you synthesize muscle.

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For those who can devote two plus hours to working out, both workouts will fit into your time schedule. In fact, both programs have long and short workout days. However, because strength training may require more time to work up to a certain number of reps, P90X may be more of a time commitment than Insanity.

What is the calorie deficit for P90X? ›

Running a caloric deficit during P90X is risky, and chances are it would lead to overtraining, decreased performance, or perhaps injury or illness. If someone used a 600-calorie deficit during P90X, they might see weight loss initially, but over time their performance would get worse and worse.

What is the 1500 calorie rule? ›

Some people may choose to restrict their daily intake to 1,500 calories. While factors such as age, gender, and activity level can cause caloric needs to vary, a 1,500-calorie intake is typically less than the average person requires. As a result, this diet may help some people lose weight.

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Beachbody warns users to never consume less than 1,200 calories per day and to round up to 1,200 calories if estimated daily needs fall below that number. If estimated calorie needs are more than 2,300, it's recommended to round down to 2,300.

How many calories do I need to burn vs eat? ›

To lose one pound of fat, you need to create a caloric deficit of 3,500 calories. For example if you wanted to lose one pound a week divide 3,500 calories by seven to get 500; that means negative 500 calories a day overall. FIND OUT IF WEIGHT-LOSS SURGERY IS RIGHT FOR YOU?

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