Mexican - Core Concepts (2024)

  • Class
  • Pride
  • Diversity(Mestizaje)
  • Machismo
  • Fatalism

Mexico is a North American country bordering the United States, Guatemala and Belize. It is incredibly geographically diverse, with deserts, high mountain plateaus and tropical coastlines. More than half of the Mexican population lives in the country's central regions, whilst the arid north and tropical south are more sparsely populated. The dominant culture of Mexico reflects a blend of Indigenous and Spanish customs; however, traditions vary significantly across the country. Many cultural traditions associated with the national identity have a local or regional origin. For example, tequila, mariachi music, embroidered sombrero and costume of the charro (gentleman rancher) originated in the west of Mexico. Each region/state generally has a unique cultural identity and accompanying cuisine, folk songs and craftsmanship that residents are very proud of. Cultural customs may also vary locally, between communities, towns and cities within states.

Settlement Patterns and Regional Identities

Roughly 81.6% of Mexicans live in urban areas, while 18.4% live rurally.1 The growth of urbanisation is a continuing trend as many rural poor are attracted by the economic opportunities of industrial areas. However, city living does not ensure financial security. Differences in attitudes and practices are very noticeable between urban centres and rural areas. Those in rural towns generally continue to follow traditional lifestyles and hold quite conservative beliefs. They often maintain strong identities that are particular to their specific town or region. These may be referred to as ‘patrias chicas’ (small homelands). Such regional identities hold particular significance to many Indigenous communities.

On the other hand, many towns and cities are highly industrialised and cosmopolitan. Popular coastal towns are generally also quite Westernised from the influx of tourism. People from cities tend to be less conservative, although this varies between regions. For example, those from Guadalajara are generally more traditional than people from Mexico City.

Mexico City, officially known as Ciudad de México (or CDMX), is the second-largest metropolitan area in the world. The city stands as a cultural outlier in the country. As a global economic and cultural centre, it attracts more liberal and unconventional Mexicans from other regions. According to 2023 estimates, 17% of the population lives in the capital of Mexico City.2

Social Hierarchies

Systemic inequalities and historical factors have made class differences very distinct in Mexico. Class often defines people's daily activities and lifestyles, as well as the employment opportunities afforded to them. This becomes very noticeable when observing the difference between those who have steady employment in professional fields and those working in the informal economy (e.g. street vendors or merchants). Indeed, there has been a marked increase in income inequality in the present era, especially following the economic crisis in the 1990s. The vast majority of professional jobs do not offer adequate pay. This has seen the middle class struggle to expand and find adaptive solutions as formal employment opportunities diminished. As a result, more than half of all Mexicans work in the informal sector.3

The majority of the Mexican population generally belongs to the lower socioeconomic bracket. Most cities have extensive areas of surrounding settlements (slums) that lack adequate services and resources. These situations contrast starkly with the middle and upper classes that enjoy cosmopolitan lifestyles and greater access and influence over social and economic activity. In both urban and rural areas, power is concernrated among an elite minority. For example, many campesinos (farm workers) in rural agricultural areas do not own land, relying on wages from elite landowners for their labour. Due to these disparities in wealth and labour costs, it is common for affluent Mexican households to hire service personnel at minimal wages (e.g. cleaners, nannies, dog walkers, etc.). This practice is prevalent among the middle and upper-middle classes, not just the elite.

Social status can be determined by socioeconomic level, regional background, education and family name. However, class is also strongly correlated with . Research has found that Mexicans with fairer skin are more likely to have higher socioeconomic status.4 Meanwhile, those with darker skin (the majority) are overrepresented among the lower class. This racial differentiation reflects centuries of colonial governance, during which economic, political, and social policies favoured European inheritance of wealth. The historical affluence of European colonists over the Indigenous population remains visible today. For example, people living in rural, economically deprived areas are more likely to have predominantly Indigenous ancestry.

Widespread social inequality profoundly impacts social dynamics and societal attitudes in Mexico. People across all social classes are directly or indirectly exposed to the realities of severe poverty prevalent throughout the country. This collective recognition of hardship informs and reinforces the importance of ‘simpatía’ (sympathy) for those in disadvantaged positions. However, sympathetic sentiments do not necessarily translate into tangible assistance. Many Mexicans have grown accustomed or resigned to the unequal distribution of power as the status quo and do not necessarily seek to change it. This broad cultural acceptance of established social hierarchies contributes to the country's high score on Hofstede's dimension.5

Colonisation and Diversity

Mexico has been deeply influenced by Spanish which began in the 16th century and lasted for almost three centuries. Before European occupation, the land of Mexico was home to expansive Mesoamerican civilisations, such as those of the Olmec, Toltec, Teotihuacan, Aztec, Maya and Zapotec people. The Spanish colonists conquered the existing empires in the 16th century and encouraged ‘mestizaje’ (mixing) among the population (between the Indigenous Amerindians and the Europeans). The aim was to assimilate the population to become more racially hom*ogeneous in order to develop a stronger national identity. This diminished the proportion of people who identified with their Indigenous heritage; however, the population of contemporary Mexico remains incredibly diverse.

The majority of the population is , meaning they share a mixture of European and heritage to some degree, while approximately 21.5% self-identify as Indigenous.6 There are also many people with mostly European ancestry. As international migration increased over the 20th century, communities of people with Central American, South American, Middle Eastern, Asian and African heritage have also grown. Despite this diversity, the Mexican identity is thought to supersede any racial differences. The national discourse professes that a white person (un blanquito orgüero) is just as ‘Mexican’ as someone with mostly Indigenous ancestry (and vice versa). However, it cannot be presumed that all Mexicans share this view.

By incorporating Mesoamerican history into the contemporary setting, the Mexican practice of traditional Spanish and Catholic customs tends to be particularly unique and colourful. However, the ‘blend’ (mezcla) of Spanish and Indigenous identities has not been free from controversy. Historical factors have changed opinion over time. Mexicans have had to reach a point of acceptance that the majority of them share ancestry with both the oppressors (colonists) and the oppressed (Indigenous peoples of Mesoamerica). In reconciling this, pride in diversity has become a major unifying theme. Today, Mexicans celebrate the day that Columbus arrived in America as‘Día de la Raza’( Day). This day recognises and honours the diversity of Mexico’s population, rather than commending Christopher Columbus or .Many people are very proud of the country's ancient Indigenous heritage. Nevertheless, while ancient Mesoamerican cultural legacies continue to be revived and glorified by Mexicans, the Indigenous people of contemporary Mexico remain marginalised in many domains of society (see Indigenous Peoples of Mexico).

Indigenous Peoples of Mexico

There were over 85 different ‘pueblos indigenas de Mexico’(Indigenous peoples of Mexico) when the Spanish first arrived. Today, roughly 65 survive, speaking over 60 languages and 290 dialects. These include both ‘detribalised’ groups, as well as those that continue to follow their traditional lifestyles and social systems, known as “Usos y Costumbres” (customs and traditions). Over the period of , many indigenous peoples died of diseases introduced by the Spanish, as well as violence.

Most Indigenous Mexicans do not speak their own language and speak only Spanish.7 Those who do speak a native language are usually bilingual in Spanish or have enough fluency to conduct business. However, some may refuse to speak Spanish in order to maintain their Indigenous roots. Many have retained local forms of organization and customary law to defend their culture and livelihoods. Constitutional recognition protects their right to have this cultural autonomy. However, some have witnessed the collapse of their traditions under the burden of poverty.

The Indigenous peoples of Mexico continue to be substantially disadvantaged compared to the majority. According to official figures on multidimensional data from the National Council for Evaluation of Social Development Policy, 72.3% of Mexico’s indigenous population lives in poverty.8 Many live in small peasant communities in rural areas. Others have had to integrate into society in order to improve their living conditions.9 Today, many make a wage by selling crafts and performing traditional dances in costume for tourists.

National and Cultural Pride

Mexicans are very proud of their country. However, this generally relates to the culture and people rather than the nation-state or its institutions. The population has become very sceptical of the government, systems and authority figures due to pervasive corruption at all levels of society. Therefore, national pride is generally directed towards Mexico in the cultural sense. Many Mexicans feel their country has great cultural depth and wealth in comparison to others. There is a saying, “Como México no hay dos” (There is none other like Mexico), which reflects how people believe Mexico has a particular uniqueness.

Much foreign knowledge of the cultural traditions in Mexico gravitates around ideas drawn from popular culture (e.g. tequila, tacos, tortillas, mariachis). The real Mexican love for these famous aspects of their culture should not be underestimated. Furthermore, one finds that almost all Mexicans have an incredible knowledge of their country’s history. People are very proud of the Mesoamerican legacies (such as the Aztecs and Mayans) and are often very educated on the events in history that shaped the identity of their society. It is common for the average person to be able to list many ancient stories and cultural achievements.Mexicans take particular delight when their culture receives global recognition or foreign appreciation. For example, traditional Mexican cuisine is recognised as a global cultural treasure, listed by UNESCO as 'Intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity'.10

Mexicans have generally been very careful to preserve their cultural character amidst rapid globalisation. The country’s close proximity to the US has seen people adopt many Western cultural influences. However, most foreign customs are generally assumed with an extra Mexican flair added on. For example, if one orders pizza at an Italian restaurant, they are still likely to receive chillies on the side. A person may be regarded as a ‘malinchista’ if they have a tendency to revere or prefer foreign things. The term has negative connotations of disloyalty or treachery, as its origins trace back to an Indigenous woman submitting to Spanish conquerors.

Safety, Fatalism and Prediction of Events

The global media’s portrayal of Mexico often concentrates on the country’s struggle against corruption and the violence of drug cartels. It is true that safety and security is a common concern for most people. Hard social conditions and government policies have influenced a rise in violence and crime (la delincuencia) in the present era, both anarchic and organised. Therefore, many people have to restrict their movements to avoid crimes of opportunity. It is common for friends and family members to stay in close contact with one another. For example, independent adults may have a continuous group chat with their family members or a location notification system on their phone so that each person generally knows one’s activities, whereabouts and when they have arrived home safely.

Due to past experiences where Mexicans’ safety has been directly threatened, some people may interpret the physical onset of anxiety as an omen. For instance, panic or anxiety that triggers a somatic feeling (such as tightening in the chest) may be perceived as a signal for danger. If a Mexican is in a safe situation when feeling the sensation, they may then interpret it to mean an earthquake is coming or a member of their family might be in trouble.

There is a common belief throughout Mexico that God predetermines events and one’s destiny is in his hands. This has been influenced by the practice of Catholicism throughout the country. Many devout Mexicans see the Virgin of Guadalupe as the appropriate messenger and means to reach God. It is common for people to try and change their circ*mstances by revering her and asking for her to grant their prayers. Indeed, the amount of regarding one’s personal control over events often varies depending on how religious one is. See Religion and Catholicism in Mexico for more information.

Interpretations of Death

Mexico had more homicides in 2017 than any previous year on record.11 Due to such crime and poor public health, death is quite pervasive in society. However, Mexicans have a unique relationship with death. They are generally very fearful of it but do not hide it or keep it as a taboo subject. Instead, they keep quite a good-humoured familiarity with it. For example, there is a longstanding tradition of celebrating the ‘Day of the Dead’ (Día de los Muertos) on the 2nd of November. During this period, it is thought that the deceased can visit family and friends. The celebration of this concept somewhat reflects the contemporary integration of past Mesoamerican traditions (the Aztecs historically venerated the goddess of death – Mictecacihuatl).

Foreigners may observe Mexicans’ close cultural proximity to death and interpret it to mean that they are not scared of dying. On the contrary, Mexicans are often extremely fearful of death; this embracement of it is a way of coping with their mortality. Underneath the jokes, Mexicans generally have a very strong respect for the deceased and can feel very uncomfortable “playing with death” for fear of reprisal. See Folk Religions and Magicin Religion for more information on Mexican superstition.

Organisation and Time

Flexibility and adaptability are key features of Mexican culture and society. Daily life is less rigidly structured, and there is a more relaxed approach to established rules. This cultural disposition can encourage spontaneity and a light disregard for law and order in daily life (i.e. getting out of a car stopped at a traffic light). As a result, Mexicans frequently navigate unpredictable situations that demand flexibility and improvisation. For example, is not uncommon for public officials or authority figures to ‘take a bite’ by asking for a mordida (bribe, literally translating to ‘bite’) to bureaucratic expedite matters.12

Inherent flaws and limitations within formal structures mean Mexicans often have to employ informal strategies to navigate rules and regulations. These include the use of palancas (personal connections who can influence preferential treatment), coyotes (persons who are paid to do others’ administrative transactions), and regalos (gifts).13 This environment has fostered a culture of resourcefulness and ingenuity, evident in how Mexicans have adapted the informal economy to create job opportunities for themselves. While certain practices might appear unorthodox to external observers, such actions are seen as a pragmatic necessity in navigating unreliable bureaucratic procedures.

The cultural tolerance for imprecision and flexibility can also be partly attributed to the mañana attitude and fluid approach to timekeeping in Mexico. Literally meaning ‘tomorrow’, the term ‘mañana’ can also signify an unspecified time in the future. This loose timestamp is often used during delays as reassurance that a task will get done eventually and offers justification for procrastination. The ‘mañana attitude’ downplays the need to rush or worry, reflecting the slow pace and relaxed approach to timekeeping in Mexican culture. This laid-back perspective is more prevalent among older generations and in rural or coastal areas.


Mexico scores 97 out of 100 on Hofstede’s cultural dimension of , indicating that it has a highly indulgent culture. As such, people generally exhibit a willingness to realise their impulses and desires with regard to enjoying life and having fun. In indulgent cultures, there is a general tendency towards optimism, and people may place a higher degree of importance on leisure time. One commonly hears this trait of Mexican culture described in the saying, “Mexicans don’t live to work; they work to live”. Indeed, Mexicans generally devote much time to social occasions, sometimes prioritising individual relationships over other commitments.

Mexicans love socialising, and cantinas, bars, town squares and other public spaces often provide great atmospheres to do so. There is a lot of social spontaneity and improvisation in Mexico. Invitations to occasions are often open invites, and engagements progress naturally as people sense the mood to make decisions about further movements. Many Mexicans feel there is social rigidity in the English-speaking West as many plans have a lot of detail as to who can come, what one should bring and when it starts. Some Mexican migrants may feel that social engagements are designed too meticulously.


1 Central Intelligence Agency, 2024
2 Central Intelligence Agency, 2024
3 Regional Office for Latin America and the Caribbean, 2014
4 Vazquez Maggio, 2017
5 Hofstede Insights, 2024
6National Commission for the Development of Indigenous Peoples, 2015
7 National Commission for the Development of Indigenous Peoples, 2015
8 International Fund for Agricultural Development, 2017
9 Minority Rights Group, 2018
10 UNESCO, 2010
11 Meixler, 2018
12Coronado, 2008
13Baez-Camargo, 2019

Mexican - Core Concepts (2024)
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Name: Gregorio Kreiger

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Introduction: My name is Gregorio Kreiger, I am a tender, brainy, enthusiastic, combative, agreeable, gentle, gentle person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.