How To Melt Chocolate So It's Perfectly Smooth (2024)

How To Melt Chocolate So It's Perfectly Smooth (1)

It may sound simple, but melting chocolate can be intimidating if you've ever been left with chunky, crumbly results. Leaving it for just a few seconds too long or unattended can lead to a disastrous, burnt mess. But worry not! With just a few simple tips, you can feel confident melting any and all types of chocolate for all of your Chocolate Covered Strawberries and Oreo Truffles.

Melting on the stovetop

Melting chocolate on the stovetop is the preferred method because you can observe the progress at all times. Using a double boiler gives you maximum control over the heating process. The steam of the barely simmering water gently melts the chocolate so that it doesn't have a chance to burn.

Create a double boiler by bringing a medium pot filled with about an inch of water to a simmer. Turn the heat to as low as it will go, then place a heatproof bowl—preferably stainless steel—that's just big enough to sit on top of the pot. Add your chocolate chips or chopped chocolate bar to the bowl and slowly stir the chocolate with a rubber spatula until silky smooth.

Pro tip: After removing your bowl from the double boiler, immediately take a towel and wipe the bottom completely dry. You don't want to risk any water finding its way into your bowl: Water is chocolate's worst enemy and will cause it to seize so you want to avoid water touching it at all costs.

How To Melt Chocolate So It's Perfectly Smooth (4)How To Melt Chocolate So It's Perfectly Smooth (5)

Melting in the microwave

Melting in the microwave may be the faster of the two methods, but it is still important to watch it carefully. Uneven heating inside a closed box means you will have to be extra attentive and patient throughout the entire process to prevent accidental scorching.

Place your chocolate in a heatproof bowl and only microwave for about 30 seconds at a time, stirring well after each time. Depending on how much chocolate you're melting, it may take 2 to 4 minutes total. Once the chocolate is looking almost completely melted with just a few lumps, resist the urge to microwave it until completely liquid: just stir the hot chocolate mixture until it is smooth and hom*ogenous. Letting the carryover heat redistribute itself through the stirring action will help you avoid overcooking and burning the whole batch.

Adding a tablespoon of coconut oil or vegetable oil while microwaving helps the chocolate melt more smoothly and makes it the perfect consistency for dipping! The caveat here is that once cool, the chocolate won't set up quite as hard as it did to begin with due to the added fat content. However, If you used coconut oil, placing your chocolate-dipped creations in the fridge will help them solidify better.

How To Melt Chocolate So It's Perfectly Smooth (6)How To Melt Chocolate So It's Perfectly Smooth (7)

Delish (Hardcover)

How To Melt Chocolate So It's Perfectly Smooth (8)

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How To Melt Chocolate So It's Perfectly Smooth (2024)
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Name: Margart Wisoky

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Introduction: My name is Margart Wisoky, I am a gorgeous, shiny, successful, beautiful, adventurous, excited, pleasant person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.