How to cook couscous (2024)

Often thought of as a grain in its own right, couscous is actually made up of tiny balls of semolina, like pasta. It’s traditionally eaten in North Africa. The couscous you'll find in the shops is ‘instant’, which makes it super easy and quick to cook – basically if you can boil a kettle, you can cook couscous. If you do come across a recipe that says to steam the couscous for hours this is referring to traditional ‘raw’ couscous, and the quick method can just be applied.


On its own, couscous makes a quick replacement for rice or other grains to serve as side dish, but it also can be mixed with a huge range of other ingredients to turn it into salads, stuffings or more interesting sides. Big balls of giant couscous, sometimes referred to as Israeli couscous, are also available – they’re cooked in boiling water like pasta.

Couscous is a versatile ingredient that’s great as a storecupboard standby. Once cooked, it keeps well, making it a good lunchbox option.

How to achieve the perfect fluffy couscous

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Cooking couscous is as easy as making a cup of tea, but there are a few secrets to getting it perfectly fluffy:

  • Don’t add too much liquid – as a guide, it’s the same volume of liquid as it is to couscous.
  • Don’t leave it for too long to clump. As soon as the couscous has soaked up the hot liquid, fluff it up to separate the grains.
  • You can toss the uncooked couscous in a drizzle of oil before adding the liquid, which coats each grain in oil and helps them stay separate. Alternatively, add a drizzle of oil as you fluff up the grains.
  • Use a fork to fluff the couscous – stirring it with a spoon can make it go clumpy.
  • Giant couscous isn’t meant to be fluffy, but you do want the balls to separate, so boil them like pasta and then toss in oil or butter to stop them sticking.

How long does it take to cook?

Couscous isn’t really cooked, more rehydrated. Depending on the brand you use, this can take anything from 5 to 15 mins, with an average of about 10 mins. Try a small amount – if it’s soft then you’re good to fluff, but if it’s at all crunchy, cover and leave for a few mins more before fluffing.

What utensils do you need?

All you need to cook couscous is a heatproof bowl with a cover or some clingfilm to cover it with. Giant couscous is boiled like pasta for a few minutes then drained, so all you need is a saucepan and a colander.

Simple couscous recipe

Prep: 10 mins
No cook
Serves 4

  • 200g couscous
  • 200ml kettle-hot water or boiling vegetable stock
  • 1 tbsp olive oil
  1. Tip the couscous into a heatproof bowl and pour over the water or stock.
  2. Cover with cling film or a lid and leave for 5-10 mins until the couscous is soft.
  3. Fluff the couscous up with a fork, drizzling with the olive oil, and season with salt and pepper if you like. The couscous is now ready to serve or use.

How long does cooked couscous keep for?

Once cooked, it will keep at room temperature for a few hours or in the fridge for three days. If the couscous has been mixed with other ingredients they might shorten its fridge life. Cooked couscous can be reheated in the microwave if you want it hot, or use it cold straight from the fridge. The same timings stand for cooked giant couscous.

How to flavour couscous

Couscous is massively versatile when it comes to adding other flavours and can be used as a vehicle for lots of other ingredients:

  • Dried spices and herbs can be added to the raw couscous before pouring over the water.
  • The couscous can be ‘toasted’ in butter or oil before cooking to give it a nuttier flavour.
  • Once cooked, couscous pairs nicely with North African and Middle Eastern spices and ingredients. Fresh soft herbs like parsley, mint and coriander, tomatoes, spring onions, garlic, lemon, preserved lemon, olives, chilli, pomegranate, almonds and dried fruits are all good friends of couscous.
  • Another way to add lots of flavour to couscous is to cook it in the same tin as a chicken or piece of lamb has been roasted in while the meat rests. Add the couscous to the sticky tin, pour over the hot water or stock and cover – the couscous takes on a gravy flavour, ideal for serving with the roast.

Alternative options to couscous

Bulgur wheat and couscous are sometimes confused for one another and make a great replacement for each other, especially as bulgur can be cooked in the same way – it just takes longer. In salads, wild and brown rice work just as well, but are cooked differently.

Our top five couscous recipes

1. Chicken & couscous one-pot

This flavoursome one-pot meal is perfect for fuss-free midweek entertaining.

2. 10-minute couscous salad

This makes a great lunchbox filler for a day out and is equally good at home from the fridge. See our video above for step-by-step instructions on how to make this.

10-minute couscous salad

3. Moroccan tomato & chickpea soup with couscous

This filling soup is healthy and packed with the flavours of North Africa: harissa, ginger, lemon and coriander.

4. Roast chicken with couscous & pine nut stuffing

Delicious hot or cold and perfect for a picnic, this stuffed chicken will be a real family favourite.

5. Herby couscous with citrus & pomegranate dressing

This colourful side dish goes beautifully with lamb chops or Middle Eastern-style dishes.


Check out our couscous recipe collection for more inspiration.

How to cook couscous (2024)


What is the ratio of couscous to water? ›

Follow 1:1 Liquid to Couscous Ratio.

If you plan to cook 1 cup of couscous, you'll need 1 cup of boiling broth or water (but look at the couscous package as some may require a different ratio). Use too much liquid and your couscous will be a bit on the sticky side.

How long does it take to cook couscous? ›

Couscous isn't really cooked, more rehydrated. Depending on the brand you use, this can take anything from 5 to 15 mins, with an average of about 10 mins. Try a small amount – if it's soft then you're good to fluff, but if it's at all crunchy, cover and leave for a few mins more before fluffing.

How much water do I need for 1 cup of dry couscous? ›

Cooking couscous is easy, especially once you nail the couscous water ratio! You'll need 1 ¼ cups water or broth per 1 cup of Golden Couscous. After you bring your water or broth to a boil with a ½ teaspoon of salt, add your couscous. To give it a smoother texture, add in butter or oil with the couscous.

How much water for 1 cup of pearl couscous? ›

Pearl couscous: You need 1 cup of uncooked pearl couscous, which will yield about 3 cups when cooked. Water: For a cup of uncooked couscous, you need 1 ½ cups water or other cooking liquid (such as broth). Kosher salt: If you use broth instead of water, you may not need any salt, depending on how salty the broth is.

Can you just add boiling water to couscous? ›

Regular couscous doesn't have to be boiled, it merely has to be mixed with boiling hot water and left for 10 minutes to absorb the water and swell up. It makes for a great main ingredient for instant meals. These couscous pouches can be mixed with different flavourings, vegetables, mushrooms and herbs.

Is couscous healthier than rice? ›

While couscous and white rice have almost the same amount of calories per 100 grams, couscous contains more protein and higher amounts of vitamins and minerals so can be considered a healthier option in those departments. Both grains can support weight loss when incoporated into a balanced, healthy diet.

Why is my couscous mushy? ›

Use the correct amount of water or stock

With too much liquid, your couscous will go soggy. With not enough, it'll be hard. So, take the time to make all measurements accurately. For every 2/3 cup couscous, you should add 1 cup of boiling water or (preferably) stock.

Do I need to wash couscous before cooking? ›

There's no need to wash or rinse the couscous before cooking it as it doesn't contain starch. The butter/oil is optional, but it will help the grains to separate so it's recommended. Add the couscous to boiling water, and then take it off of the heat to avoid it overcooking.

How much couscous for 1 person? ›

You want to have around 60g of couscous per person. Only boiling water is needed to cook your couscous, but the important bit is the couscous to water ratio, you should abide by the 1:1 rule.

What happens if you put too much water in couscous? ›

For the perfect couscous water ratio, you'll need 1 1/2 cups of water for every 1 cup of dry couscous. The important trick with couscous is to avoid adding too much liquid, as you'll end up with a soggy lump of just about inedible mush.

What can I add to couscous for flavor? ›

Dress it up
  1. Herbs: Couscous will always be better with a fresh lift of herbs. ...
  2. Lemon: Grated lemon rind and a squeeze of juice will add extra zing.
  3. Nuts: Toasted pine nuts or a few slivered almonds add lovely crunch.
  4. Fruit: Many versions of couscous include dried fruit such as apricots or currants.

Is pearl couscous different from regular couscous? ›

The main difference between pearl couscous and Moroccan couscous is the size. The grains of Moroccan couscous are much smaller, compared to the pea-size granules in the pearl variety (made memorable by their namesake). This, of course, affects the preparation and cooking time of each grain.

How much couscous do I need for 2 people? ›

You want to have around 60g of couscous per person. Only boiling water is needed to cook your couscous, but the important bit is the couscous to water ratio, you should abide by the 1:1 rule. So, for 60g of couscous, you will need 60ml of boiling water.

Why is my couscous not fluffy? ›

With too much liquid, your couscous will go soggy. With not enough, it'll be hard. So, take the time to make all measurements accurately. For every 2/3 cup couscous, you should add 1 cup of boiling water or (preferably) stock.

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