Freezing Tofu Is the Secret to Achieving a More Meat-Like Texture (2024)

  • How to Cook

Give your tofu the meat-like texture you crave, even when it's been frozen.


Katlyn Moncada

Freezing Tofu Is the Secret to Achieving a More Meat-Like Texture (1)

Katlyn Moncada

Katlyn Moncada is the associate food editor at, sharing food news and tutorials on becoming better home cooks. She is a writer and editor with nearly a decade of experience in digital media, photography, and video production.

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Updated on January 15, 2024

Tofu is a neutral canvas that can adapt to pretty much any flavor you add. But if you've cooked tofu before, you know there's a fine line between make it or break it. If you've ever wondered, "Can I freeze tofu?" when it's getting close to the expiration date, there's excellent news. Not only will freezing tofu save your plant-based protein from going bad, it's also a way to give the tofu a "meatier" texture. So as soybean curd continues to rise in popularity worldwide, we highly recommend freezing tofu before using it as a plant-based substitute in your stir-fries. Read on for some tips and tricks for freezing tofu for your next classic meatless recipe.

Freezing Tofu Is the Secret to Achieving a More Meat-Like Texture (2)

How to Freeze Tofu

Yes, freezing tofu is an extra step you'll need to plan for, but it's worth it. Since tofu is stored in water, ice crystals form, making porous, sponge-like holes in the block (see photo above), allowing for a chewier texture. There are a few different ways to freeze tofu, but here are the most popular methods:

  • Tofu freezing option 1: Simply put the entire unopened package of tofu in the freezer. It will take longer to thaw going this route, but we've found it to work really well.
  • Tofu freezing option 2: Remove tofu and slice or cut into cubes, then freeze in an airtight container or freezer bag.

As you can see from the image above, the frozen tofu color is a bit more yellow. Don't worry, this is totally normal, it's just what happens when the soy protein freezes. If you go for option two, make sure to squeeze or pat down your tofu to press some of the water out.

How to Thaw Tofu

OK, so you've got a block of frozen tofu—now what? The easiest way to thaw tofu is to let it hang out in the fridge. Put the container in a bowl or wrap it in a towel so you don't have a puddle to clean up. If you need to quickly thaw frozen tofu, submerge it in hot water or defrost it in the microwave (as long as the package is microwave-safe). Once the tofu is thawed, drain and press out the extra moisture before cooking in your favorite tofu dishes.

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Freezing Tofu Is the Secret to Achieving a More Meat-Like Texture (3)

Try Our Crispy Tofu Recipe

Cooking Frozen Tofu

Now that you've learned how to freeze tofu, you can marinate it, bake it, or fry it as usual. Try this dish using frozen tofu—a super easy crispy tofu "stir-fry" (pictured above). After a quick run in the air fryer, the tofu beautifully absorbs the homemade sweet ginger-soy glaze. Seriously, it's a flavor bomb that's so much stronger than you get from just pressing tofu. And as for the texture? It's strikingly similar to chicken. Give freezing tofu a try and you'll definitely be impressed by how much better your vegan dishes turn out.

Freezing Marinated and Seasoned Tofu

Marinated tofu can usually last in the fridge for up to three days, but if you freeze it well enough, you may able to enjoy flavorful, seasoned-ahead tofu for up to 6 months. Frozen tofu absorbs marinades and spices even better than simply pressing tofu (which you should do if you haven't already), then season it and cook it right away. When you freeze tofu, it becomes spongier and the pockets can now take up more flavor from any marinade or seasonings added. To do so, simply prepare your favorite marinade and leave the tofu soaking in it for 10 minutes before freezing (as explained above). You
can even cut and portion the tofu, marinate them in different sauces, and have it handy for your make-ahead meal prep.

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Freezing Tofu Is the Secret to Achieving a More Meat-Like Texture (2024)
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