Best Spices and Seasonings for Soup (2024)

Soup warms you from the inside out on frigid days, and it is the king of all comfort food when you are sick. We've come to expect rich, soothing broth loaded with vegetables, meat, pasta, or rice, and it can be so disappointing when your bowl of steaming soup is underwhelming. If you take a few moments to master some different ways to season soup, you may never have to face that again. Whether you love chicken noodle soup or stick to the classic combination of tomato soup with grilled cheese, you're sure to discover spices here that will elevate an already-beloved comfort food.

Soup Seasoning

When considering soup seasonings, start withsalt. Salt is one of the world's best flavor enhancers, teasing out tremendous nuances and savory goodness when used correctly. Salting to taste is a phrase you will hear a lot in soup preparation, but that phrase is subjective. One person's bland is another's over-salted. Salt strategically during cooking--most notably when cooking down your soup's broth base, which is usually comprised of some basic aromatic vegetables, like onions and carrots. Salt these vegetables as they cook; the vegetables will concentrate and the salt will become a more predominant flavor. After cooking, you can add more salt if you like, and allow the people eating your soup to salt it to their own tastes.

Vegetable Soup Seasoning

What do you do once the cold weather arrives and you want to build a good vegetable soup from a solid, tasty base? Something that's rich, hot, filling, and uses the end-of-season veggies you've got in your fridge? Soup is the great refrigerator cleaner, and you can put just about any vegetables you have into a pot and call it a soup. To season it, we recommend starting with our Vegetable Soup Mix. It contains celery salt, parsley flakes, garlic powder, sea salt, summer savory, marjoram, thyme, black pepper, turmeric and sage, which are all excellent with root vegetables, so you can incorporate things like carrots or potatoes into the soup.To make the flavors pop in your vegetable soup, try a pinch of lemon zestto bring the flavors together.

If you make a black bean soup for dinner, use herbs like Mediterranean oregano or basil. Garnish black bean soup with a finishing salt like Smoky Citrus Salt. Put a finishing salt on after you've distributed the soup to bowls, since finishing salts give texture and visual appeal to the dish.

Sweet potato soup is a savory soup that responds well to sweet spices. Sprinkle the soup with allspice for some extra flavor. Ginger also compliments sweet potato soup well, so add a bit ofpowdered gingerfor soup that's sweet with a bit of heat.

And then there's tomato soup, the eternal cold-weather favorite. Do you want to shake up the recipe that you pulled from your mom's faded cookbook? We suggestMoroccan Vegetable Rub. This seasoning blend gives everyday tomato soup real dimension. It has a little sharpness from the paprika, chili powder, and cayenne, but it also lends a tiny bit of sweetness because of the cinnamon, allspice, and cloves. Whole peppercorns freshly ground over soup before serving turns everyday tomato soup into a showstopper.

When you start making your own soup, you can't go wrong when you start with onion or garlic. Dehydrated vegetables are excellent in traditional vegetable soups as well. Some of our favorites are Dried Shallots, Dehydrated Red Bell Pepper, Dehydrated Green Bell Pepper,Tomato Flakes, Minced Onion and Roasted Garlic Flakes.

Or, add a bay leaf to your recipe. The bay leaf will give the soup a little something extra without overwhelming the dish. Bay leaves perform best when they're allowed to simmer in a dish and slowly release their flavor. Remove the bay leaf before serving; you don't want anyone to choke and whole bay leaves are a known choking hazard.

Spices to use in Chicken Noodle Soup

Chicken soup is good for the soul, or so the zeitgeist says, and it's emotionally connected to warmth, happiness, and security. So what makes a good chicken soup, one that will taste delicious and impart those same feelings? Start with the bright, snappy flavor of Celery Seed, then add some aromatics, likeCalifornia Minced OnionandCalifornia Granulated Garlic. Salt and black pepperround out the basics; from there, try somePoultry Seasoning, or look at our Green Goddess Seasoning to keep it light, bright, and playful.

If you add potatoes or sweet potatoes to your chicken noodle soup, then we suggest that you complement them withcayenne pepper. This is also a great idea if you have a cold; need we say more about hot spices and stuffy noses? Smoked sweet paprika is also delicious in chicken soup. Should you want more of an herbal tasting chicken noodle soup, parsley and dill are perfect because they are both mellow but slightly sweet. These will give you a more pronounced, classic chicken soup flavor.

Broth Seasoning

Sometimes you just want some broth! This might be the case if you have a scratchy throat or an upset tummy.

Broth seasoning depends on what kind of broth you are starting with. A good chicken broth seasoning would be sea salt, which we have already talked about extensively. Herbs de Provence is a spice blend that will help you get a mellow, herbaceous flavor in your broth.

Beef broth is extremely flavorful as is, but you can certainly dress it up with some spices. Try adding cinnamon sticks, cloves, whole coriander and star anise, which recreate the flavor of pho. You could also use pepper to taste. Add these spices in whole or slightly cracked, and strain them out before serving for a flavorful, smooth broth.

Vegetable broth seasoning is very similar to vegetable soup seasoning. Celery seed powder will give a good neutral, grassy flavor to vegetable broth, which will keep it earthy. If you want a spice blend, there are things like Chinese Five Spice and Maharajah Curry that deliver lots of flavor with minimal effort. Spice blends eliminate the need to layer flavors on your own, which is lovely if you are in a rush.

The key to soup making involves testing out different flavors to determine what you like best. It's all a learning process. Enjoy the rest of your winter with these tips on spicing up your favorite soups.

Best Spices and Seasonings for Soup (2024)


What are the best seasonings for soup? ›

Some of our favorites are Dried Shallots, Dehydrated Red Bell Pepper, Dehydrated Green Bell Pepper, Tomato Flakes, Minced Onion and Roasted Garlic Flakes. Or, add a bay leaf to your recipe. The bay leaf will give the soup a little something extra without overwhelming the dish.

What Flavourings to add to soup? ›

You can extract a clean, strong broth from a combination of water and several pantry ingredients. It's all about layering powerful flavor-enhancers that you probably already have on hand—bacon, tomato paste, herbs, peppercorns, a Parmesan rind, and, of course, kosher salt.

What is the key to flavorful soup? ›

Making a delicious soup depends on building flavors as you go along. Aromatics, which include garlic, onion, leeks, carrots and celery, are the basic flavor-building blocks of most soup recipes. Sauteing these vegetables in oil or butter is the first step to boosting your soup's flavor.

What is a good seasoning to use in vegetable soup? ›

Dried herbs and seasonings: homemade seasoned salt, black pepper, Italian seasoning, and dried bay leaves lend flavor to the soup.

What is the secret ingredient in soup? ›

It may sound a bit strange and unusual for some, but vinegar is a common ingredient in some soup recipes, and there is a good reason for it. If you think about it, vinegar is really a flavor-enhancer (umami). That's why it is so often used in cooking, sauces, and salad dressings. The same is true with soups.

How do you spice bland soup? ›

Also consider adding extra salt (possibly in the form of bullion) and pepper (any type -- crushed red, black, paprika). Add miso paste to boost the savory (umami) flavor. I have had success with "white" miso in carrot and lighter, brothy vegetable and pork soups; red miso in beef soups.

How to deepen the flavor of soup? ›

"If your broth is lacking in savory richness, try adding roasted onion, tomato paste, mushrooms, seaweed, soy sauce, or miso. These ingredients add umami flavor and depth to broth," she says. The choice of ingredient depends on the recipe, though.

What should be added to enrich the flavor of the soup? ›

Herbs and sources add flavor, aroma, and intensity to the soup broth. You can pick fresh or dried herbs like basil for tomato-based soups or fresh parsley for clear broths. You may also add more spices like turmeric, ground ginger, ground paprika, or nutmeg for a touch of spice and color to your soup broth.

What not to do when making soup? ›

The 7 Biggest Mistakes You Make Cooking Soup
  1. Boiling instead of simmering. You want a small bubble or two to rise to the surface of the liquid every few seconds. ...
  2. Not using enough salt. ...
  3. Ignoring water. ...
  4. Overcooking the vegetables. ...
  5. Adding tomatoes at the beginning. ...
  6. Neglecting to garnish. ...
  7. Not trying a pressure cooker.
Nov 19, 2014

What is the most important ingredient in soup? ›

Take stock of your stock. When it comes to making clear, brothy soups, the stock that you use is the most important ingredient. Poorly flavoured stock will ruin the entire pot of soup. For clear soups, homemade broth is always the best choice.

What gives vegetable soup that depth of flavor? ›

Italian Seasoning: a classic mixture of oregano, marjoram, thyme, rosemary, basil, and sage goes well with almost any fresh vegetables. Bay Leaf: you should only need one for this big batch of soup, a little goes a long way with bay leaves, giving your soup a great depth of flavor.

When should you add spices to soup? ›

It's better to add spices in the middle of the cooking process. Because it'll take some time for any spices and herbs to infuse your soup with flavor, Taste of Home says it's better to add them much earlier on in the cooking process, as opposed to at the end. The same applies to salt, too.

How do you spice up ready made soup? ›

Here are 10 ideas:
  1. Add Fresh Herbs. Take a page from My New Roots author Sarah Britton and turn to herbs whenever you need a simple way to perk up a pot of soup. ...
  2. Add Greens. ...
  3. Add Toasted Nuts. ...
  4. Add Croutons. ...
  5. Add Poached Eggs. ...
  6. Or Something Fishy. ...
  7. Drizzle With Flavored Oil. ...
  8. Or Flavored Cream.
Nov 9, 2016

How do you spice down soup? ›

Add more vegetables, protein, or starches, too — whatever ingredient you have extra of.
  1. Add dairy. Dairy is great at counteracting spiciness and can add a nice cooling effect. ...
  2. Add a sweetener. Like acid, sugar or other sweeteners add a different element of flavor that can tame spiciness. ...
  3. Add nut butter.

Which herb should I add when I am making soups or stock? ›

A mix of Italian parsley, chives, and dill, with the option of lemon thyme, is a much used combination in chunky meat and vegetable soups or simply vegetable soups. Italian parsley is a better option than moss curled parsley because it stands up better to long cooking.

What are the best aromatics for soup? ›

Commonly-used aromatics include leeks, onions, carrots and celery, but the list goes on. Fennel, garlic, lemongrass, ginger, scallions, spicy chili peppers or bell peppers, bay leaves, thyme, parsley and peppercorns are all aromatic ingredients.

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