4 Months Pregnant: Symptoms, Body Changes, Diet & Care (2024)

In this Article

  • 4th-Month-Pregnancy Symptoms
  • What to Expect During the 4th Month of Pregnancy
  • Changes in Your Body When You’re 4- Months-Pregnant
  • Common Concerns During the Fourth Month of Pregnancy
  • The Baby’s Development in the 4th Month of Pregnancy
  • How to Take Care of Yourself in the 4th Month of Pregnancy
  • Diet
  • Tests and Check-Ups Recommended in the Fourth-Month of Pregnancy
  • Dangerous Signs to Watch Out for
  • Tips for To-Be-Dads
  • FAQs

Becoming a mother is welcoming happiness into your life. As parents, the voyage can be full of ups and downs and many milestones. At 4 months pregnant, the body undergoes many changes to accommodate the growing child, and there are various noticeable signs to watch out for. As parents, you have to prepare for what’s to come next, and some precautions also need to be taken to bring a healthy and happy child into this world. Here are some fourth-month pregnancy tips to ensure good health for you and your baby.

4th-Month-Pregnancy Symptoms

They say the first trimester is the hardest part of any pregnancy, and you have just completed the first three months of your journey into motherhood. At 4 months pregnant, symptoms like nausea, fatigue, and mood swings can be common experiences for many expectant mothers. Knowing about these symptoms can help moms feel more prepared for what to expect during this stage of pregnancy.

  • Some women experiencehaemorrhoids due to the pressure created by the growing baby on the rectal veins, which can be very painful(21).
  • Bleeding gumsoccur in many pregnant women due to the increase in pregnancy hormones, which makes the gums softer and more sensitive. This is why you may brush your teeth and see a little bleeding. This symptom usually disappears after pregnancy.
  • You can expect to run to the washroom quite often, as pressure on the bladder will lead to frequent urination.
  • Some women experience shortness of breath due to the 4-month-old fetus in the womb. The uterus expands to make space for the baby to grow, thereby putting pressure on the surrounding environment and organs.
  • Heartburnis a common symptom for many pregnant women. This is mainly because digestion slows down during pregnancy, leading to heartburn. The way to avoid this is to drink lots of water and not have too many heavy meals in a day, making it easier for the body to digest food.
  • Your skin also undergoes many changes during pregnancy. Some women may see blotchy skin due to the increase in pregnancy hormones. It is essential to take care of your skin at this point by using mild moisturisers and lotions.
  • During pregnancy, the nipples and areolas will acquire a darker shade, and the veins of the breasts will also be more pronounced(11).
  • At this stage, the foetus can cause many changes to the mother’s body, including nosebleeds. Bleeding is never a good sign, but some women experience mild nosebleeds during pregnancy. These mainly occur because the body pumps a high volume of blood to manage the pregnancy. If it persists, consult a doctor.

What to Expect During the 4th Month of Pregnancy

Your emotional, physical, and psychological characteristics will significantly change once you finish your 3rd month. 4th-month-pregnancy care will vary greatly and involve many more medical assessments as you go along. A few things you can expect in the 4th month of pregnancy are

  • Your doctor will give an ultrasound recommendation to be conducted to know the growth of the baby.
  • Some women can notice thin, reddish lines on the thighs, which are superficial varicose veins. After birth, these lines will fade and ultimately vanish.
  • At 4 months of pregnancy, your belly will be the size of a cantaloupe.
  • Morning sickness will disappear, but you may still feel tired and irritable(17).
  • Your appetite will change, and it is essential to take nutritious, delicious food, as you are now eating for two.

Changes in Your Body When You’re 4- Months-Pregnant

4 Months Pregnant: Symptoms, Body Changes, Diet & Care (1)

The biggest thing you may notice is the 4-month pregnant tummy. The belly size at 4 months pregnant varies among women, but many may start to see a slight bump forming as the uterus expands to accommodate the growing baby. But more changes are happening inside your body as much as on the outside.

  • As the uterus expands, you will feel pain in your back, thighs, abdomen, and groin area. This ache will continue for the next 5 months.
  • The breasts increase in size and fullness during pregnancy. This is due to hormonal changes.
  • Constipationoccurs in some women due to higher levels of hormones in the body, which slows down digestion.
  • Higher urination frequencyand leakage are also reasonably common due to the pressure on the bladder and urethra as the baby grows.
  • Some women experience tingling hands or carpal tunnel syndrome, mainly due to tissue swelling around the wrists. This usually disappears after delivery(14).
  • Due to the increase in blood volume in the body, veins on the legs enlarge, causingvaricose veins. This, too, will disappear after delivery(12).
  • Heartburn is another standard change, as digestion slows down during pregnancy.
  • You may also notice an increase invagin*l dischargedue to the hormonal changes in the body.

Common Concerns During the Fourth Month of Pregnancy

When you are pregnant, you may have worries and concerns that bother you and your partner. When you visit your gynaecologist, make sure to discuss anything that worries you.

Here are a few common concerns:

  • Increased appetite and weight gain are very commonduring the fourth month of pregnancy. This is because the mother is eating for two and needs to nourish the baby and herself. The fourth-month pregnancy diet may also differ from your regular diet.
  • Heartburn and constipation are common during this time. If you need medical advice, consult a doctor.
  • Doctors also recommend tetanus vaccinations during pregnancy —the first within the first three months and the second a month before delivery.
  • It is safe to havesex during pregnancyunless the doctor advises otherwise, in cases where there is a medical history of miscarriage or if it’s ahigh-risk pregnancy. Couples should discuss this with their doctor before going ahead(10).

The Baby’s Development in the 4th Month of Pregnancy

4 Months Pregnant: Symptoms, Body Changes, Diet & Care (2)

While you experience changes in your body, the foetus is also developing and undergoing its own changes.

The top things that happen are:

How to Take Care of Yourself in the 4th Month of Pregnancy

As you move into the second trimester of your pregnancy, 4-month pregnancy care must be taken to see a happy and healthy baby by the end of the journey. Here are some do’s and don’ts.


  • A growing baby needs a lot of nourishment, and so does the mother. So, it’s essential to ensure that you are taking enough vitamins. If you aren’t getting enough, ask for supplements from your doctor.
  • Exercise regularly. You must continue your routine and go foryoga and walks when pregnant, as mobility helps during delivery(8).
  • Get plenty of sleep. Your body works for two people, so an ample rest of 7-8 hours is a must.
  • Eat a lot of seafood.Fish is rich in omega-3 and other minerals. Hence, a portion of cooked fish is a must. Make sure it is fresh and thoroughly cleaned. Avoid eating raw fish and fish with a high mercury content(3).
  • Do have sex. Keeping the intimacy between you and your partner alive as your body prepares for the next adventure is essential. However, consult your doctor first.
  • Ensure you get a flu shot so you do not contract any diseases while pregnant.
  • Gaining weightis natural, but ensure you gain weight smartly by eating healthy.
  • Ensure you visit your dentist regularly to avoid bleeding gums or other dental complications.


  • Do not have too muchcaffeine, which can increase your baby’s heart rate.
  • If you have pets like cats, do not clean the cat litter, as you could contract a parasite.
  • Do not sit in a hot tub or a sauna, as the high-heat environment can cause complications in pregnancy.
  • Avoid eating meat cooked outside, as you do not know if it is cleaned and cooked correctly.
  • Don’t drinkalcohol, as the foetus can develop fetal alcohol syndrome (FAS).
  • Do not smoke, as expectant mothers who smoke can deliver babies with low birth weight and are at a greater risk of disabilities.


Iron,calciumandfolic acid are essential for pregnant women. Since the mother is eating for two, she shouldn’t worry about weight gain as long as the food is healthy and nutritious. It is also essential to talk to your gynaecologist and take any supplements necessary, such as Vitamin D, to keep your vitals up. Food should typically be home-cooked to keep it hygienic and can include grains, fruits and vegetables(7). Food rich in protein, like fish and chicken, can also be consumed(18). Every meal should consist of all the three things mentioned above to ensure optimal foetal development.

Tests and Check-Ups Recommended in the Fourth-Month of Pregnancy

You will see your doctor more frequently from the fourth month onwards to ensure you and your baby are healthy. As part of routine prenatal care, expectant mothers typically undergo a 4th-month pregnancy test to ensure the baby’s growth and development are on track. The top tests and check-ups that are necessary are:

  • A Physical Check-Up–Your gynaecologist will physically check parts such as the vagin*, breasts and abdomen.
  • 4th-Month Pregnancy Scan– At four months, an ultrasound is often performed to see the changes in foetal development(13).
  • Fetal Heartbeat–Your doctor will check if the baby’s heartbeat is too slow or fast using a Doppler Ultrasound.
  • Edema Test–Your doctor will check for swelling in the legs, ankles and feet. Abnormal swelling may indicate preeclampsia, gestational diabetes, or a blood clot(16).
  • Quadruple Marker Screening (Quad Screen): This blood test measures levels of certain proteins and hormones to assess the risk of chromosomal abnormalities such as Down syndrome and neural tube defects like spina bifida(15).

Dangerous Signs to Watch Out for

Some signs are unusual for pregnant women, and they need to stay alert and cautious to take the right action at the right time.

Look for the following signs, and consult a doctor if you see any.

  • If you experience bleeding after sex, contact the doctor immediately(1).
  • If you notice bleeding, and it is like menstrual blood, you could be in danger of a miscarriage or anectopic pregnancy(4).
  • If you experience severenausea and vomiting, especially if you cannot eat or drink without throwing up.
  • If you experience contractions.
  • If yourwater breaks.
  • If you have persistentabdominal pain and headache(19).
  • It doesn’t seem to go away if you have persistent flu, i.e., fever, cold, or cough.

Tips for To-Be-Dads

As the mother changes, even the father has several things to understand and cope with. Fatherhood is also an important journey, and here are a few tips to help along the way.

Right Balance

When it starts getting difficult to manage work and home and prepare for the newborn, take a break. It is okay to feel overwhelmed. What’s important is to channel that energy and give it a rest. You can find the right balance when you take a break.

Family Comes First

Family is always a top priority, no matter what happens at work. Make time to spend quality hours with your partner to avoid missing out. You don’t want to look back and regret everything you could have done.


A lot of things will change when the baby arrives. So, when your partner is pregnant, try to build open and honest communication so that you can be in sync once the baby arrives. Be extra patient and caring during these crucial months, and go on dates to keep the spark going.

Talk to Other Dads

Build a network of dads, either online or offline, and have a conversation to learn how to better care for your baby. Make sure to discuss your fears, worries, and feelings and get tips from other dads.


1. Are there any specific exercises recommended during the fourth month of pregnancy?

Gentle exercises such as prenatal yoga, swimming, walking, and low-impact aerobics are generally safe and beneficial during the fourth month of pregnancy(6). However, it’s crucial to consult a doctor before starting any new exercise regimen to ensure it suits individual circ*mstances.

2. Are there any specific precautions pregnant women should take regarding skincare products during the fourth month?

Some ingredients commonly found in skincare products, such as retinoids and salicylic acid, may not be safe during pregnancy. Opting for pregnancy-safe skincare products and consulting with a dermatologist can help ensure the safety of skincare routines during pregnancy.

3. How can pregnant women alleviate discomfort associated with growing abdominal size during the fourth month?

As the abdomen expands during the fourth month of pregnancy, discomfort, such as back pain and abdominal stretching, may occur. Wearing supportive maternity clothing, practising good posture, using pregnancy pillows for added comfort during sleep, and engaging in gentle stretching exercises can help alleviate discomfort and promote better comfort throughout the day(9).

It’s time to start preparing for a baby shower now. Many women say that this is the happiest time in their pregnancy journey. Once the fourth month is over, you will be a step closer to the birth of your baby.


1. Sex during pregnancy; March of Dimes; https://www.marchofdimes.org/find-support/topics/pregnancy/sex-during-pregnancy

2. You and your baby at 16 weeks pregnant; NHS; https://www.nhs.uk/pregnancy/week-by-week/13-to-27/16-weeks/

3. Foods to avoid in pregnancy; NHS; https://www.nhs.uk/pregnancy/keeping-well/foods-to-avoid/

4. vagin*l bleeding; NHS; https://www.nhs.uk/pregnancy/related-conditions/common-symptoms/vagin*l-bleeding/

5. You and your baby at 17 weeks pregnant; NHS; https://www.nhs.uk/pregnancy/week-by-week/13-to-27/17-weeks/

6. Exercise in pregnancy; NHS; https://www.nhs.uk/pregnancy/keeping-well/exercise/

7. Have a healthy diet in pregnancy; NHS; https://www.nhs.uk/pregnancy/keeping-well/have-a-healthy-diet/

8. Exercising during pregnancy; Pregnancy, Birth and Baby; https://www.pregnancybirthbaby.org.au/exercising-during-pregnancy

9. Backache in pregnancy; Pregnancy, Birth and Baby; https://www.pregnancybirthbaby.org.au/backache-in-pregnancy

10. Pregnancy at week 16; Pregnancy, Birth and Baby; https://www.pregnancybirthbaby.org.au/pregnancy-at-week-16

11. What happens in the fourth month of pregnancy?; Planned Parenthood Federation of America; https://www.plannedparenthood.org/learn/pregnancy/pregnancy-month-by-month/what-happens-fourth-month-pregnancy

12. Varicose veins; Pregnancy, Birth and Baby; https://www.pregnancybirthbaby.org.au/varicose-veins

13. Common Tests During Pregnancy; University of Rochester Medical Center Rochester; https://www.urmc.rochester.edu/encyclopedia/content.aspx?contenttypeid=85&contentid=p01241

14. Stages of pregnancy; U.S. Department of Health and Human Services; https://www.womenshealth.gov/pregnancy/youre-pregnant-now-what/stages-pregnancy

15. Güdücü. N, Görmüş. U, Güner. Eİ, Güzel. O, Kavak. Z. N; Quadruple test parameters in art pregnancies; International Journal of Clinical and Experimental Medicine; https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4161588/

16. Gasparis. A. P, Kim. P. S, Dean. S. M, Khilnani. N. M, Labropoulos. N; Diagnostic approach to lower limb edema; Phlebology; https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC7536506/

17. Bhartia. S; Everything You Should Know About 4 Month Pregnancy; Sitaram Bhartia Institute of Science and Research; https://www.sitarambhartia.org/blog/maternity/4-month-pregnancy/; July 2018

18. Bhartia. S; What You Need to Know About Your Pregnancy Diet Chart; Sitaram Bhartia Institute of Science and Research; https://www.sitarambhartia.org/blog/maternity/need-know-pregnancy-diet-chart/; November 2017

19. Warning signs during pregnancy; Healthdirect; https://www.healthdirect.gov.au/warning-signs-during-pregnancy

20. Changes During Pregnancy; American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists; https://www.acog.org/womens-health/infographics/changes-during-pregnancy

21. 10 Things That Might Surprise You About Being Pregnant; Nemours KidsHealth; https://kidshealth.org/en/parents/pregnancy.html

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4 Months Pregnant: Symptoms, Body Changes, Diet & Care (2024)
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